Which type of first-last name you must buy?

I was inquired by one of my blog reader who saw my domain name sale of EmilyJane ((dot)) com which was just over US$5,000. She shared one of her domain ChrisMosely ((dot)) com and asked how to sell this domain and what I did in order to get this domain sold successfully.

In my previous post I shared my sale of EmilyJane ((dot)) com and explained how I was able to sell that domain name. Normally I don’t invest in two word first-last name domain because it has very limited number of people who might be interested in buying your domain name.

There are several ways I go through scanning each first-last name domain before I take final decision of buying it. First is to look how many people are there with the same full name. To dig in deeply I look at Google by typing EmilyJane and see the result which shows there are lot of people with the same name and good number of websites having the same domain name in it.

Secondly, you can see how much exact number of domain names are taken in the same keyword I simply visit NameDroppers.com where I enter the domain like EmilyJane and select “Only Registered Domains” and find all the variations. Currently there are 121 registered domains having same keyword. If you give space between those two word name like Emily Jane than you can see there are 155 registered names.

If I find there are over 20 different variations taken than I go the next step to see how many people are there with the same name at LinkedIn.com – I could see there are 575 results for Emily Jane.

Also you can do one thing to see if there are any more variations registered with same keyword is to find at Google like this “EmilyJane .co.uk”. You will see that I have given space before .co.uk so copy the text if you wish to. It will show you all the .co.uk domains having EmilyJane keyword in it which NameDroppers doesn’t show. It display a limited number of TLDs with no ccTLDs option.

Now if I come to the domain of my blog reader who gave me ChrisMosely ((dot)) com so that I can guide her in right way. If you check like I did for EmilyJane you will find huge difference and very limited potential in this domain. Like there is not a single variation registered with same name. And having only 17 results at LinkedIn.

It’s all based on my view and how I go through scanning each domain name. There are many more ways to judge any particular domain name and I will discuss each of them in my future posts.

I would like to know if my readers agree with me or have anything else to say? I would love to hear comments from you, no matter how bad or good they are 😉

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12 years ago

Wow, thanks awesome. I really appreciate your analysis of my domain. Thank goodness I only spent a dollar on this particular domain. I actually have four of these personal names domains that although fail miserably based upon your method. I will however at least approach a few of the people who show up on linkedin and facebook that hold professional careers with the same name to see if there might be interest. Will try to turn these lemons into lemonade. I’ll def let you know how that goes. Again, many thanks for offering guidance and insight on the mechanics of… Read more »

12 years ago

Salam Bro,

Nice Tool NameDropper, and nice move on the name sale. Keep the blog coming like Shane & Elliot’s. One day we’ll have you on top of our regions.

Paul H
Paul H
11 years ago

NameDropper is certainly very useful and I’ve used it successfully to find end users. Another tool I’ve used when checking for buyers of ‘first, last or full names’ is Radaris.com There are a number of sites like this online and it can help you find even more people with the same name on places like Facebook etc.

10 years ago

[…] acquisitions and couple of domains were Rosalyn.com and RobertMartin.com. As previously I shared which type of first-last names to buy but this time I wanted to give a little tip of how you can get more clear and will help you to […]

6 years ago

[…] worth paying. I don’t use it at all. And NameDroppers for which I mentioned in one of my old posts was great until they were showing up 500 results for free but now for couple of years or so they […]

6 years ago

[…] worth paying. I don’t use it at all. And NameDroppers for which I mentioned in one of my old posts was great until they were showing up 500 results for free but now for couple of years or so they […]

5 months ago

Thanks a lot for the explanation. I know it’s quite an old post, but I hope with a few adjustments to the figures, the main information is still relevant after 11 years.

What is your opinion on old/expired celebrity first-last name domains? For example johncena (dot) com? There’s not a lot of people out there named John Cena, but do you think that a celebrity domain name will be valuable because a lot of people are familiar with the name?

Thank you again!

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
5 months ago

Thank you AbdulBasit,

Do you also hold the same opinion for aged domain names (say if they never expired in 10 or more years), with strong backlink profile and strong metrics from tools such as ahrefs and Semrush?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x