Afternic experiment of May 2020

Hi everyone,

This is the fifth post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March and April results which I’m hopeful that some of my readers find it interesting.

It was really a roller coaster ride for the last month. For the first 9 days, I’d NO sale but I was confident of having at least a few before the month ends.

The 10th day, I’d my first sale in the shape of which sold for $1,988 via Reseller partner. That’s when things started to change and ended May with 9 sales via Afternic. Seems there is some coincidence that for the first 9 days there was no sale and in the entire month, I sold 9 domains altogether. One more domain was sold via Reseller partner for $1,988.

There were 3 domains altogether which sold via GoDaddy cart: for $3,988. for $6,888. for $6,888.

There were 4 sales via Afternic cart which many times include negotiation before the sale strikes. for $7,500 – I believe of selling this domain for lower price just in order to keep the cash flow coming. Not because who the buyer is, as that never really matters to me. I always valuate according to my valuations. I’d a BIN of $9,888 on this domain but eventually sold for the above price after the broker gave his best. – This was another smooth sale with a BIN of $6,888. – I’d a BIN of $3,988. Broker came in and presented an offer of $2,392. Strange amount but may be it was a round figure in a different currency. After pushing the buyer to revise his offer, the best and final offer was $3,000 which I’d thought of accepting the minimum as well. And the deal got strike on this one!

WFH.CO – The biggest individual sale of this month for me via Afternic for $9,888. I must admit of forgetting to update the price on this domain and selling it very cheaply. As WFH (Work From Home, Working From Home) term has got super hot these days and I forgot of having such valuable domain sitting in my portfolio.

I came to know when the offer came in where the buyer originally offered $2,500 and then $3,500, $5,500 and finally $6,500 and I was presented the $6,500 on 27th May and I remained firm on $9,888 and also said this BIN is valid until the end of May and I’ll increase the price significantly after that.

In next 48 hours, the domain was sold and buyer got a great deal here. Although I’m very happy with each and every sale but and not shedding tears on this one. But the purpose of sharing all this detail on this specific domain sale is to keep ourselves updated as much as possible and adapt to the change.

Above 9 domain acquisition cost was just under $2,000. Total sale amount was whopping $49,016‬. One of the best thing in last month was there were a good number of domains sold. Another thing was with no 5 figure sale, still the total amount of sales was almost 50K!

After trying Afternic landers for the last 5 months, I can clearly say that their landers are performing very well compare to Uniregistry landers. Also with Fast Transfers enabled for Uniregistry domains, I’m seeing better results for my portfolio. As you can see above, 2 domains were sold via Reseller registrar of Afternic. Also 4 domains via Afternic cart which means their brokers are efficiently working to strike the deal. Overall, I’m satisfied with results. But this doesn’t mean Uniregistry landers or their brokers aren’t good. They’re absolutely one of the best brokers I’ve ever worked with.

On the other hand, I received a little over 650 inquiries in total last month whereas in April I got almost 600 inquiries. This include multiple inquiries for the same domain(s).

Feel free to give your feedback and if you like to add your experience with Afternic, feel free to share. Also you may contact me directly if you like your results to be published in my next report post.

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4 years ago

Hi Abdul,
Great sales….congrats.
Hope you do even better this month.
I noticed that you you mentioned using Afternic landers.
I am using UniRegistry landers with BIN pricing. I am in the process of setting fast-transfer on all the domains via Afternic/dynadot/epik.
It appears Afternic landers are working great for you.
Can you please share some example of these landers?
I am wondeering if I should also use Afternic landers.
Additionally, how much is the difference in Afternic Vw Uniregistry commison on sales? Uni is 15% if their brokers are involved but it appears Afternic can be up to 20%.

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Thank you for the info.

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

I am also using that ns3 and n4 as nameservers. A small issue (may be not, an edge case). When someone specifically types than the domain does not resolve. Just discovered this today. the reply from tech is

The difference between the two is supposed to happen. In order to use https, you have to have an SSL installed for the domain and we do not install SSLs for all of the domains. Very few people manually type out https due to current search engines.


Ibrahim Khan
Ibrahim Khan
4 years ago

Congrats Abdul Basit. Loved the details. As you said Luxium is undersold although it’s brandable and there is strong buyer as well which is not the factor for your domain valuations. I have and i am not sure, i will check your valuation post.

Dan K
Dan K
Reply to  Ibrahim Khan
4 years ago

Abdul first of would like to thank you for amazing insights. It helps a lot of understand what happens in successful domineers world. And your details shine light on the domain. Ibrahim, i also own similar domain, and i think Luxium is much better then yours or mine. Very flowing and pronounceable. My take on, a bit long. I always afraid if it is brand able and more than six letters, it will be harder to spell / pronounce.It has 2 syllable and i in luxi might complicate name. Also if you pronounce Luxirus, it will go from… Read more »

Ibrahim Khan
Ibrahim Khan
Reply to  Dan K
4 years ago

Thanks Dan, I loved your insight on the names. It will help me improve further. Keep ’em coming.

4 years ago

WFH.CO is a good sale
Congrats Abdul and also congrats on 600 inquiries that is 20 a day which is far more that most of us are getting.
Thanks for sharing

4 years ago

I have seen some Afternic landers with GoDaddy and Afternic logos/Ph# on those. They look good but it appears that Afternic landers don’t show the BIN price on the lander itself (even if BIN is set in Afernic), am I right?
All my UniRegistry landers show the BIN price on the lander.
I wonder if it’s good or bad to show the BIN price on the lander itself?
Check out this Uniregistry lander

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Thanks, I may try soon some Afternic landers [have 25k names, not 30k 🙂 ]
I was using Uni landers because of their brokers reviving old leads after 30 days and occasionally selling a name.
I see that Afternic brokers are doing great job for you so no harm in trying Afternic landers.

Reply to  DomainBoss
4 years ago

Hi Boss, thanks for sharing. Please can you kindly let us know what made you bought these names. How did you know they were good names. Thanks again.

4 years ago

You nailed it even if luxium was undersold as that is a 5 figure is surely performing if you have good names and you need to push the brokers to get you maximum because they have the leads.

Thank you for your sharing.

4 years ago

Great abdul bhai… It’s really yours greatness that you share with details… Congratulations… I wish you.. U will sale all yours stock… Quicker than you expect…

Fatih Ozturk
4 years ago

Thanks Abdulbasit. I think will also try afternic landers after this report.

Doe Mainer
Doe Mainer
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your information
Great sales and a knack for picking decent domains
None were horrible!
Nice job
I disagree with one thing you said though you said you don’t care who the buyer is, that it doesn’t matter to you I think that it should
Different strokes for different folks
Either way
Outstanding achievements

4 years ago

Thanks for keeping us updated every month Abdulbasit. 🙂
I also think was a good deal for both you and the buyer.

Ravi Parwani
Ravi Parwani
4 years ago

I enjoy reading posts by you and all the domainers and get to learn a lot. Everyday I am excited to read all the articles of domaining dot com. Thanks for sharing . Bahut jald me bhi aise article share karunga .

Ravi Parwani
Ravi Parwani
Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Thanks for inspiring bhaiya. I have some questions:
Me pahele se hi sedo landing page use karta hoon . 1) Aap landing page ke liye afternic use karte ho ya sedo ?
2) in dono marketplace me apka experience kaisa hai ? Means sales ke najariye se?
3) aap bin price prefer karte ho ya make offer ?

Thank you.

Paul Haughney
4 years ago

AbdulBasit. You said I would like the May sales data and as always your consistent results are exceptional. Thanks for sharing and for helping everyone to learn from these sales. 🙂

4 years ago

You are clearly picking good domains, and pricing your domains pragmatically Abdul to be getting such a high amount of inbound enquiries. Could you share how many domains you have in your portfolio in total to understand the ratio of enquiries/names you are currently seeing – I may have missed this figure?

4 years ago

Congrats on these great sales!
Off late I am thinking that it is not the landers but the quality of the domain that matters. Secondly, I think domain appearing in more and more registrar’s search stream is much valuable than the direct type in traffic. Majority of retail buyers use registrars to search a name than type it directly and review the process…

4 years ago

Great Sales Abdul,
May was definitely a bumper month for you, congratulations and keep us posted. June started pretty decently for me too. In couple of days was able to sell three through $6500 $7500 and $3500

4 years ago

Congrats Abdul on a nice month of sales! Always look forward to your updates

Mohamed Ahmaid
Mohamed Ahmaid
4 years ago

Well played Abdo
Thanks for sharing , we are starving for such info
بارك الله فيك

4 years ago

Congrats AbdulBasit on your awesome sales and thanks for sharing them to help others learn.
Do you feel there would be any significant difference in your sales success rate from your current Afternic lander that asks the prospective buyer to request a price at compared to a lander that states specifically your BIN and minimum offer, such as at

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Thank you for your response – those are very valid points to consider.
I am new to Afternic and have listed my first domain there a couple of days ago to test things out before uploading more over the next few days.
I will try out the for sale lander using the ns3 and ns4 nameservers and if I can achieve a fraction of your success I will be very pleased!

4 years ago

Congrats AbdulBasit on a monster May!

Vinod Reghunathan
4 years ago

I should say yours is one of the post that I would wait to read when each month gets over. Your posts inspires us to stay positive and focused. Keep sharing as you do always.

4 years ago

Nice sells Abdul Basit.. I wonder how did you figure out Bautagebuch, rtelectric, lemonsoul etc.
Do you register them just randomly, I am not multi lingual but its hard to figure out such words to register domain.
Should I use any dictionary.

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Nice, thank you so much for a great tips.

Reply to  tania
4 years ago

Bautagebuch – still didnt understand how did you figure this out, its just out of my world dictionary.. i cant believe it!

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Hi Abdul,
Congrats. Awesome sales. I am just adding to Tania’s question about how you selected the name bautagebuch to begin with? I see that dotdb shows the potential leads. please explain if you can. Thank you

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Hi Abdul,
Thanks for the reply. Sorry again for my stupid question. I slightly understand the dotdb part but my main question is how do you select or decide to bid on a domain in the first place?
For example there’s thousands of names at godaddy auction how do you pick a name to bid?
I get this part… Once you pick a name you put it dotdb for leads but again my question is how do you narrow down which domain you going to research on dotdb?

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Thank you. I appreciate it.

4 years ago

[…] you didn’t get a chance to read Abdul’s results from May, its a must read. Every month he goes through his sales with a little description about the domains and his […]

4 years ago

Hello Abdul,
thank you for the time you take in providing these reports, always appreciated.
This might be a dumb question, but how you do get the information if something was sold via GoDaddy cart versus via an Afternic reseller. Is that info available somewhere inside the Afternic control panel after a sale?
Once again, thank you very much.

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Thank you Abdul for your friendly answer – much appreciated!

4 years ago

Congrats bro, Some nice sales there…
Thanks for taking time to share your sales every month, much appreciated.

4 years ago

Hi Abdul. After reading about your experience, I am moving 400 domains to Afternic and implementing BIN pricing and fast transfers. For my regular domains, I’m getting the same sales landers as you but for others I seem to be getting this lander:   I wonder if it is different because it is an IDN. I will ask Afternic about this. Maybe their stats show that this particular lander works better with IDN’s. The other sales lander seems more intuitively appealing. I have moved about %90 of my domains now. It was a heck of a lot of work… Read more »

satyadeep singh
satyadeep singh
4 years ago

great job, in all your May sells which one is block buster, i mean minimum acquisition cost and maximum profit, can you share

Last edited 4 years ago by satyadeep singh
satyadeep singh
satyadeep singh
Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

awesome sir, great ROI, how long you keep it

4 years ago

Great post Abdul sir, keep going 🚀:) I like
the term got super popular after lockdown.

4 years ago

Abdul bhai I have two questions —

1) Is there any feed or newsletter which gives us gems of domains expiring at GoDaddy ,dropcatch and snapnames. Daily thousands of domain expire so do you check each domain or do you check only gems appearing at newsletter or feeds.

2) It must be taking lot of time if you check every single domain expiring at and , is there any way to do it faster.

Mr Dee
4 years ago

Hi Abdul, this is an impressive sales and massive ROI. I really love reading something interesting from you. Beside your sales only at the end of the month, please try and post more about the domain industry in general. In all, congrats and wish you good luck in the coming months.

4 years ago

Hi Abdul, thanks for sharing. Please what made you bought these names. How did you know they were good pick. Thanks again

4 years ago

Please AbdulBasit,
Could you please kindly give a functional difference between a
.COM and a .CO.UK domain?
Thank you.

4 years ago

[…] Source : Domain Name News, Domain Sales, Domain Tips and Domain Investing | | Read More […]

4 years ago

Hi Abdul,
Can you suggest some good site from where i can hire brokers for my domain selling?

4 years ago

Great sales insights!
You blog is a must-read for anyone who is a beginner, intermediate or even an expert is the domain space.
I really like the way you craft your content.
To the point and No B.S.!
Keep sharing and keep enlightening us.

4 years ago

Hi First thank you for all the advice and sharing you’re sales , really hope I can do what you do, so I can support my family with extra income. currently I’ve my listed all my name’s on afternic I only have 100 names not the best but average domains that I’ve picked up on GoDaddy auctions. I point the domains make offer to Dan I see you used to point to uni reg make offer prior to this experiment. With a 100 names do you feel it’s worth using the afternic landers, I’m still getting offers on Dan closed… Read more »

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Thanks for the reply

I’ve listed all names on afternic with Bin ofices, I’ll switch 50 to afternic the best domains and keep 50 to Dan and see if I get any results

or I could switch all 100 and do a month test

I need to grow and grow with premium names

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Switched all domains NS to afternic I’ll see how I get on

I’ll report back 1 month from today

Send us some luck master

4 years ago

[…] post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March, April and May results which I’m hopeful that you’ll find it interesting. Although I’d initially […]

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