Posts Tagged ‘five figure domain sales’

From $2,888 and $4,400 quote to $15,888 domain sale

Hi everyone,

It’s been a fantastic year for myself and I would call it one of the best year overall in terms of domaining.

Hope the post title doesn’t confuse any one as I want to clarify this at first. The price of $2,888 was quoted to inquirer A and $4,400 was quoted to inquirer B and finally the buyer who acquired the domain is different from them. Also the timings of all 3 price quotes differ very much from each other.

First, I would like to admit my mistake that I by mistake set the price of $2,888 for after acquiring the domain around 3 years back. So when the first few inquiries came in, I quoted $2,888 without realizing too much of the set price. The domain didn’t got sold for $2,888 as the buyer wasn’t interested at that price.

In 2018, I received inquiry via DomainAgents where the buyer initially offered $3,321 to which I quoted $4,400. Buyer came back with $3,321 again without moving a little so I gave my final offer of $4,000. Eventually the domain wasn’t sold.

I was suppose to do repricing of domains which was long due and did the repricing around some time in 2018 during which I finally set the price of $15,888 for The new price was quoted to several inquirers including one interested buyer coming via Uniregistry broker with an offer of $5,000 which I happily declined. This inquiry came in mid 2018.

Fast forward to 25th December 2019, I received an email from Afternic saying the domain sold for $15,888 at BIN.

So yes, I openly admit my mistake of setting the price very low in past and it can happen with any one. At least, I realized and changed to what I think was the right price to set for and I’m very happy to sell this domain for what it sold for. Also this is my highest hyphenated domain sale.

Feel free to share your domain sales if you want and/or give your feedback on the above domain sale.

From $3000 offer to a $26000 domain sale

Hello everyone,

As I recently published a post with several of my recent domain sales, today I wanted to share another domain sale with complete detail of how it started and the deal was wrapped up successfully.

The domain I sold is which was the oldest domain by creation date I owned until it sold. It was initially registered in 1994 but I acquired in 2018 for around $1100 via GoDaddy Auctions.

The inquiry came in via Uniregistry lander and I quoted price of $26,888. The buyer countered with $3000. After exchanging several emails and asking to come close to quoted price, the buyer revised his offer to $6,000.

Again after more communication, I said to present an offer of over $20,000 to get into negotiation.

With no response, I gave my final price of $25,000 with 7 days to accept. The buyer came in August and offered $10,000 but only after the 7 days period was over.

Sticking firm to the final price, the buyer came again in October and presented $15,000 offer to which I declined by informing the price is reverted back to $26,888 which was initially quoted because the offer of $25,000 was valid for 7 days only.

There was once again silence until the buyer came again in November by asking if I’m willing to negotiate as they’ve to decide and move on within a week period.

During this silence period of more than a month, I already upped the price at all marketplaces to $29,888 so I informed the buyer new price at all marketplaces but if he is still willing to buy, I can offer $26,000 to you only which is valid until the end of November.

Buyer immediately accepted and we used Sedo escrow and buyer paid the Sedo commission.

At one stage the domain was offered for $25,000 but ultimately sold for $26,000 to the same buyer. Every time you need to grab the offer at the right time, but you’re not always sure what’s that perfect time. We keep learning from our and others experiences. What best we can do is to keep learning all the time and improving ourselves.

Few of my recent past domain sales

Hi everyone,

It’s been a great time spending here in Malaysia. So far so good. It’s not easy to relocate in any part of the world straight away with family of small kids and that too solely relying on domain investing. Surely fellow domain investors understands more than anyone out there.

Today I’ll share some of my recent past domain sales happened before and after relocating to Malaysia except these sales which happened just after coming to Malaysia. – Received direct inquiry via Uniregistry lander and after quoting $2,888 for which initially got $2,250 offer. After giving the best and final offer of $2,500, buyer immediately accepted and made payment via Uniregistry checkout which has been working very smooth for me. As soon as the funds are secured by Uniregistry, they transfer the domain swiftly and credits your account and funds are released per your preferred payment method. – Acquired this domain last year from GoDaddy closeouts. Received opening offer of $1,250 for which I quoted $2,988. To add one thing here, all quoted prices are already set at Sedo, Afternic and their partner registrars so anyone can buy directly from there as well. And the same price is quoted to all potential buyers who inquire directly.

After the usual silence from buyers, got $1,750 as last and final offer. We quoted $2,600 as final price with no more negotiation space left. The buyer came with $2,000 by saying the budget doesn’t allow to move above any more. After around 15 days, out of the blue, the buyer came back and accepted the offer. Once again, we used Uniregistry checkout to complete the transfer and payment procedure. – There have been rare instances where we acquired domain names in bulk deal and this was one of them. Acquired for low 3 figures couple of years back and sold via Afternic BIN for $1,988. – Love to have such 2 word brandable domains in portfolio. This took bit too long to close the deal. Got $13,500 opening offer via Afternic broker. The listed price was $19,888 BIN. After going back and forth several times with the broker, we finally closed the deal for $15,000. – Sold via Afternic BIN for $1,588. – Sold via Sedo BIN for $1,988. Held this domain for more than 5 years. – Acquired this domain more than 6 years back. Received direct inquiry via Uniregistry lander and $3,988 was quoted for which initially $3,000 was made. This wasn’t bad offer at all considering the number of years the domain was held and some 3 figs was invested as well. After giving the best price we would accept was $3,750, the buyer immediately accepted. Once again we used Uniregistry checkout which worked very smoothly. – Creativity and brand-ability is involved in this domain. Acquired this domain several years back and was having BIN of $2,588. Sold at BIN price via Afternic. – This was an interesting domain sale. Acquired the domain late August this year for low 3 figures. Put up the domain for $1,988 BIN and was sold via Afternic. With 60 days transfer lock period, domain remained with me for a month period and was later transferred to Afternic. – Domain was acquired earlier this year via GoDaddy Auctions for 2 figures and some time back sold for $1,988 BIN via Afternic. During the entire period of holding the domain, got several inquiries via Uniregistry broker and direct lead. However, nothing worked as buyer got stuck at $1,200 and $1,500. I remained firm at $1,988 with no interest to negotiate. – I’m not fond of buying hyphenated domains. However, paying $59 isn’t that bad either for such a domain. Acquired it last year and sold via Afternic BIN for $1,988. – Another domain acquired for $59 last year. And also sold via Afternic BIN for $1,988. – This domain was acquired around mid this year for 3 figures. Received direct inquiry and quoted $5,888. The buyer was very nice gentleman to deal with and a good negotiator as well. Buyer initially offered $4,000. We quoted $5,500. After several exchanges of emails, the buyer raised his offer to $4,500. At the end, we both agreed to finalize the deal at $5,000 and sealed the deal via Sedo escrow where the buyer paid the Sedo escrow fee as well. – Another domain acquired for $59 and later sold via Afternic BIN for $1,988.

It’s obvious that BIN sales are working the best and the best platform for selling BIN domains is Afternic. Since I’ve been sharing my domain sales and acquisitions, at the same time I would like to share that now the portfolio consists of 3,300 domains. The sale ratio is 2-2.5% per year and targeting towards 3% in 2020.

Also I would like to add that one of the above domain sale was in partnership with my good friend and well known domain name and domain research specialist Jamie Zoch who’s the founder of as well.

Although the year is going to end next month, I can easily say that this is one of the best year both in terms of domain sales and acquisitions. I’ll make sure to publish some domains acquisition post later this month or the next month for sure which will have the best of the best domains added to my portfolio this year.

Feel free to give your feedback. Also if you would like to share your recent sales, please do so.

Five Figure Domain Sales right after relocating to Malaysia!

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

It’s been just couple of weeks coming to Malaysia and right after relocating, I sold couple of domains and that too within 24 hours. It was really surprising and very satisfying to have 2 domain sales and that too of five figures! Having couple of five figures that quickly is a personal record. Credit to the hard working brokers and Afternic team.

Both of them happened via Afternic.

First sale was of which I originally listed for sale at $29,888 BIN both at Sedo and Afternic. Usually all my pricing is same at every marketplace. The buyer came via Afternic broker and initially offered $20,000. However, after going back and forth, we settled for $25,000 gross.

Next sale was definitely surprising which happened after sale where the buyer simply hit the BIN and paid $19,888 for it. The domain was

The total acquisition costs for both domains was around $1,000.

Looks like the start of this new journey of moving to Malaysia has started fantastically well and hope it continues to keep ticking up only.

Feel free to comment no matter how good or good that is 😉

Some recent domain acquisitions and more five figure sales

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

It’s been long time since I last shared my domain purchases with you guys and I wanted to share some of the recent acquisitions. – I am a big fan of buying person names. Although I see people inquiring on such domains are offering mostly under $100 but I am still happy to buy such common two word names which will definitely pay off one day.

EMA.CO – Already sold couple of .CO names in five figures to date and I am seeing .CO is growing as always and buying short, person name is always good if you are getting it at the right price in my opinion. – This is much more common name than the above two word person name.  Even it’s a .net domain, I still like it because it’s quite common name in U.S. (Correct me if I am wrong). – Love such type of brandable domains. Already received dozens of inquiries to date. – Never sold a domain with the starting word “the” but always fond of buying such type of names as I have seen good track record of these “the” starting domains. – Prices of has increased dramatically compared to last year. I still feel it’s the time to buy quality no matter whether it’s Western or Chinese premium. Just buy it if you are getting at the right price. I found ILCS overall a good combination. – Raymond Hackney likes to buy LLmedia domains and I think we are on the same boat. Although I have very few LLmedia domains. and – I like the first one due to sequence and the other with 3 consecutive 8’s. Someone looking for more insight about them can reach out to Chinese please 😉 – I know you must be thinking that GraphicsOnline is better but that’s what I could get. – Decent name for any startup looking for short, catchy and brandable domain.

The above domain acquisitions are very few which I shared and just chosen randomly to list here. I simply tried to share a mixture of short, brandable, two word names to have an idea of what domains I usually buy.

Just recently I shared some domain sales which included a five figure sale and I am happy to announce that I had 2 more five figure sales after that!

One of the five figure sale I cannot disclose because the buyer requested not to share it but the other one I had through Afternic where the broker contacted first and asked the price for the domain Normally I ask buyers to present their offer but rarely I quote the price. I asked for $15,000 NET and the response was that the buyer’s budget is 15K max and after commission I will get $12,500 which I gleefully accepted and the deal was swiftly done. Not much negotiation done so nothing more to share about this particular sale 😀 By the way, the buyer seems to be from China.

Many thanks and as each of those sale were completed through them.