Pros and cons of domaining

Hello everyone,

As of today I’ve just reached the portfolio of 8,000 domains. This is something very special because all of my domains are very selectively acquired with no hand registrations.

Today I wanted to share some of the pros and cons of domaining I’ve witnessed and can recall as of now. I’m sure there are many more which you would like to add.

Before I share the pros/cons, I would like to inform all my readers and friends that recently I’ve relocated to Turkey with my family. I’m sure some of you know that I moved and lived in beautiful Malaysia for two years and enjoyed every moment there. But due to some reasons, I had to move back to Pakistan temporarily before I moved to Turkey. If there is anyone residing in Turkey, feel free to get in touch with me as I would love to connect with like-minded people and possibly meet in-person as well.

Coming back to the post, let me share some of the pros of domaining:

  1. You can work from anywhere and anytime and do anything you want in your spare time.
  2. You’re your own boss.
  3. The ROI is remarkable and unachievable compared to most if not all existing businesses.
  4. Entry barrier is still low.
  5. Domain renewal cost is very low compared to physical property or any other business expenses.
  6. Have your virtual store open 24 hours no matter what.

Cons of domaining:

  1. The biggest disadvantage I find is the illiquidity. You never know when the domain will sell.
  2. There is no accurate way to evaluate domains. You learn with your own and other’s experience, past relevant sales, etc.
  3. Fierce competition than ever before.
  4. 5-10 domains won’t start your business engine. One must buy a few hundred if the target is to do full time domaining.

Feel free to share any other pros and/or cons you would like to add. Also if someone is living in Turkey and would like to connect with me, just get in touch.

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2 years ago

Hope you are doing well Abdul! Glad to see you blogging!

Abdul wajid khan
Abdul wajid khan
2 years ago

Congratulations abdul bhai on 8000 domains and you must be enjoying turkey. You are great abdul bhai

K.J.Haroon Basha
2 years ago

Welcome to New Country, new life, new adventure and new friends. I wish you all the best things in life.

You can add Renewal cost in Cons only, because that is the big headache if one has some Premium names in non-com TLDs.

In times of dull days, it is very difficult to manage big portfolios.

Thank you.

2 years ago

Great bros but Quality before quantity.

2 years ago

Welcome Abdul

I am in istanbul let me know i would be happy to chat 🙂

Reply to  Fatih
2 years ago

Istanbul rocks!

2 years ago

Hello AbdulBasit,

Thank you for the great post and congrats on reaching 8,000 domains.

I am struggling with acquiring new quality domains since they cost at least $150-250 each on GoDaddy auctions or Dynadot auctions. Closeout domains are mostly low quality and I am able to grab just 3-5 closeout domains each month. How can I scale my portfolio without hand-registering domains?


Muhammed Hidar
Muhammed Hidar
2 years ago

Been dabbling in domaining for long but only now taking it seriously. Came to know of your blog from a Sedo post “The best international domain blogs and forums”! Have subscribed and look forward to learning a lot here. Thanks.

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
2 years ago

Hello Abdul, how are you doing? I hope you are fine. I will add a few more to your list: MATT MORGANS PROS ================= 1) FLEXIBLE HOURS You can do domaining in flexible hours. For example you can do your domaining work at 8am in the morning or even at 9pm in the evening. / ////Even at 2am if you cannot sleep lol. 2) SHOWING OTHERS You can start teaching others the art of domaining when you have experienced years of it yourself. 3) NO OFFICE RENT NEEDED As you can do Domaining from a laptop then you can just… Read more »

Bright Urama
Bright Urama
2 years ago

Congrats Mr Abdulbasit. Apparently you are a “giant domainer”. I want to ask, ” as one who is not yet financially buoyant, and you unexpectedly makes some money and decides to invest it on say 30-50 domains believing that at least one or two of them would be sold before the expiration date, and eventually the reverse becomes the case, what would you advise the person to do knowing fully well that this individual doesn’t have the financial capacity to renew all the domains? “

1 year ago

Congrats! 8,000 is a huge portfolio, at least from where I stand. If you were to start out fresh now with a small budget of around $2k, and you’re pretty new and unexperienced, what would be your strategy? (I’m asking of course because that’s the position I find myself in.)

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x