The consistency of inconsistency

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year to everyone and I wish every reader of my blog the very best 2025 and well wishes!

Before I start the post, I would like to thank Matt Morgan for sending a gift for me and my family. You made our day special!

In 2023, I observed from my portfolio the inconsistency was a lot more in sales. It varied a lot from month to month. That made the process of buying domains also unstable. Since most of my purchases are in 3 and 4 figures, the cash flow is very important. I had a long-term plan to add more quality domains in order to reduce the inconsistency and it worked according to the plan.

However, in 2024, things changed a lot worldwide as well as for my domain sales. I consider last year a wonderful year with plenty of ups and downs, learnt a lot of new things, made plenty of decent sales and friends in our community.

Overall the year was great in terms of sales but I wanted to highlight a couple of months both of which were surprising. November 2024 was the worst month in many years (in terms of total amount of $$$) where I sold 11 domains only. The very next month, in December 2024, there were a total of 25 domain sales. The amount of sales were well opposite and I can tell you that it was a 6 figure sales month and pretty decent. If I take off those 2 months off from the comparison, I can clearly say that there was a lot less inconsistency in sales. Thanks to Afternic brokers, my rep Adam Ramsdell and the entire team who made the process go smoothly.

A few things I worked upon in getting things improved were the number of quality domains added to the portfolio which was over 1,500 last year. Also, I lowered the prices for almost all of the domains in my portfolio.

What I’ve learnt over the years is that in order to reduce the inconsistency, one needs to increase the domain portfolio size. I can clearly witness that by adding more domains have reduced the inconsistency of sales. I give a lot of importance to the consistency factor which is very important to be successful in anything I want to achieve in life whether it’s on a personal or business level.

Feel free to share your experience if you encountered severe ups and downs last year.

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19 days ago

Salam. Thank you for sharing brother. Good to know that and appreciate your transparency brother. JAZAKALLAH

Umair Anwar
Umair Anwar
19 days ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ABM. It’s always good to hear your perspective. My consultation sessions with you have been very beneficial to me (we will speak soon). A couple of quick questions: 1) I noticed that one of your domains had a “premium” label in GD search, and I am just wondering if you enabled the Boost in December and maybe that had a positive impact? 2) Do you think pricing your domains reasonably also has an impact on sales velocity? For example: if a domain has a good chance of selling at $5K and you price it… Read more »

19 days ago

Thanks for talking about consistency. I didn’t realize that happens, even with large amounts of names!

The day I read your previous post and removed boost, a name I was clearing out on Afternic sold.


Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
19 days ago

Hello Abdul, Happy new year 2025 to you aswell! How are you and your family? I hope you are all well. What a fantastic blog post. It’s nice to see you’ve analysed what your domain progress looked like in 2023 and 2024. The highs and lows of your domain selling are both highly informative and gives your blog readers incentive to keep going on their domaining journey. It seems your strategy of expanding your portfolio size and changing your pricing has worked, and hearing that you’ve identified how to achieve more regularity in your sales is a positive development. In… Read more »

19 days ago

Thanks for sharing Abdul. Every month I wait for your blog post, they are very insightful.

19 days ago

Hi Abdul, Thank you for sharing the insights.

I have a few questions.

  1. Why you are not using Atom (Squadhelp) Platform?
  2. Do you purchase expired domain or hand-register domain?
  3. What % of domain you have in terms of .com / .net / .io / .ai / .me or any others…
  4. Do you outbound? If YES, how’s your experience and If NO, why you not outbound?
Avijit Roy
Avijit Roy
19 days ago

Happy new year , Abdul Vai .

I see you had a great year , congratulations!

Hope you write regular post about acquisitions , Sales and other related posts.

All the best for new year !

18 days ago

Thank you for answering my questions that were related to domains
Now I have some personal questions.

  1. Do you own a dedicated office, CoWorking Space, Rented a apartment or working from home?
  2. Do you work as an individual or as a company?
  3. How you stay focused?
9 days ago

Your post is very helpful for newcomers like me.
Just one question:
For example, if you sold a domain for $10K and, after Afternic’s commission, you received $8,500, did you receive the full $8,500, or did PayPal charge a fee?

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
9 days ago

Thanks brother

4 hours ago

Hi Abdul, I noticed that mostly you are using Afternic “Request Price” for your domains.

Why you are sticking with “Request price” and not using Afternic’s newly added BIN or Custom lender?

I would appreciate if you share your experience.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x