Hi everyone,
I believe some regular bidders won’t like sharing it publicly but I don’t care for such mentality of people and I just love to share what I think is beneficial to others.
I don’t think this has been shared anywhere else but here you go…
Since NameJet and SnapNames have merged together for auctioning off domains, I see people still bidding at NameJet which doesn’t make sense. Let me tell you the secret…
When you place a backorder at NameJet, you pay 2.5% top of your original winning amount. Whereas if you win the same domain at SnapNames, you’ll pay only the final winning amount.
Also there is another reason for not placing backorder at NameJet and it’s the number of bidders are shown so anyone can sort by number of bidders to see what are the top most bid domains so they can easily enter in those which will ultimately create more competition.
So if someone doesn’t like this tip to be shared publicly, you’ve to think the other way around. Why to show a number of bidders and create more competition when you can place the same domain backorder and participate in an auction at SnapNames without showing any number of bidders? On top of that you’ll save 2.5% of your winning amount.
Feel free to give your feedback no matter how good or good it is 😉
Thanks for share useful information God bless you bro .
Glad you like it Fahad.
Namejet is almost dead.Their inventory quality has slowly faded.
You are correct about the SN players at NJ auctions etc.
Cold hard truth…Namejet just doesnt care.
Thanks for your feedback Paul and I totally agree with you!
What is the 2.5% additional amount? I pay only my winning amount.
I wonder how you pay only the winning amount! Check this – http://www.namejet.com/pages/terms.aspx#:~:text=2.2%20NameJet%20currently%20charges%20a,used)%2C%20PayPal%20or%20Alipay. “2.2 NameJet currently charges a 2.5% Online Administration Fee for all payments made to NameJet via any online method, such as credit card (regardless of what credit card is used), PayPal or Alipay. This fee will be applied to any payments billed for auction wins when utilizing an online method (including the credit card on file) and for adding funds to a NameJet account via an online method. By participating in or winning any auctions or otherwise purchasing any domains via NameJet following this date you agree… Read more »
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Hey Abdul, how are you doing?
I hope you are well.
Yes some domain auction sites will be less popular among others.
Your tip is good as you can see things which newbie domainers cannot see, so can give them an professional domain seller point of view to them.
By you sharing the tip with domainers you are giving them a greater awareness into it.
Great observation, keep up the good work.
Hi Matt!
I’m doing good and hope the same for you as well 🙂
Glad you like it as always and I appreciate your feedback and time for commenting.
Best wishes!
[…] recently I published a post about NameJet where I’ve suggested others never use it and given the solid reason behind that. As said in […]