Bathroom is the best place to think of new domain ideas

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

This may be surprising to many of you but I wanted to share my personal experience and I am sure at least a few would agree with me πŸ˜‰

Coming to the point of writing this post is funny but very true at least for me if not for others πŸ˜€




To be honest, I get many of the new domain ideas and thoughts while I am in bathroom. I think the main reason behind is my mind is free of every stress, old thoughts, daily routine stuff, etc. and there I starts thinking about my work without any interruption. Sometimes I had finished the job but unless the idea hasn’t been cleared I am lost into deep thoughts.Β Sometimes when there are some temporary issues on going in my life, ideas do come for that too as I always welcome new ideas no matter if they eventually turn out to be fruitful for me or not.

Normally when I comes out, I either save my thoughts in draft and/or inform my wife who is as updated as I am about domains. In fact, we both are handling domains business together.

I am sure many others would be in the same boat of mine but would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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9 years ago

Haha, sure!!

You mean, when you are on the shitpot or you are in the shower? lol

Any more sales lately Abdul?

9 years ago

Funny but true.

9 years ago

Sounds like you know your shit.

Rod Atkinson
9 years ago

Abdul, my morning routine before going to my office on my primary job, wake up at 6:00am, grab my tablet, head to the bathroom, and sit on the throne and scour domain drop lists for the following day to determine which names I am going to target.

I also use that time to respond to emails and domain inquiries. I handle domain business in the morning, during lunch, and when I get home in the evening for a couple of hours every day, but I find the bathroom time the most productive as it is the least distracting time.

Zaki Ahmed
9 years ago

Lolz, Very Funny Post.:-)
On a side note, its common to get thoughts at this place, but remember these are thoughts of shaitaan, try not to think anything about any ideas here, even if they come to mind resist thinking, as these idea may not have barakah.

9 years ago

Good and I agree with you Abdul

9 years ago

I am with you on this Bro. I also happen to think ‘creative’ while sitting on the ‘throne’. lol.

I am also happy that you are running your domain business along with your life-partner (your wife). We need more women in this business.

Good luck and keep it up…

Omar Negron
9 years ago

A lot of productive things can be done in the bathroom! lol


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