Posts Tagged ‘Never trust NameJet until domain is delivered’

Never trust until…

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I have been using NameJet for years and never had any issue until the end of last month when I received an email from them stating that:

“We regret to inform you that a domain you recently purchased through a pre-release auction has been cancelled, as allowed by the NameJet Agreement. Unfortunately this domain was listed in error and was not available for sale.All efforts will be made to assure this does not occur again.

As a result, we will be refunding your auction fee within the next few days.”

To make things clear, I won a domain through NameJet on Sep 17, 2016 and the above email I received was on Oct 29th, 2016; right after 41 days of winning the domain through an auction.

My card was charged on the same day of winning the auction. However, I responded them with the following message:

“What the hell is this? It’s been more than 1 month since I won the domain and now you are taking it back?? Kindly give the domain back to me or I will make you guys popular in every domain forum and my blog which is widely read among domainers community.”

Their technical support member responded back:

“This domain was listed in error by the seller likely due to a typo in his submission and as such, there is no domain to deliver. You were never delivered the domain in this case due to the error in listing and as such, there is nothing that we can return.

We do apologize for the inconvenience as this is a rare occasion.”

After which I contacted them again and asked to either ban the seller or verify the domain ownerships and listings before making it live for auction for which I didn’t hear anything.

Also I was not delivered the domain during the entire 41 days and I forgot to ask them as well because I buy domains from many different places and sometimes I forget to check and transfer out domains. As many readers of my blog already know that I keep all my domains with Uniregistry and try my best to move all domains which I win at different marketplaces as soon as possible to Uniregistry in order to keep it at one place and that’s easy way to organize and manage my domains.

At first, this ridiculous mistake should not have happened from NameJet.

Secondly, if it happened, why they took 41 days to inform and even more time to refund my money? Hijacking my $1,000 for that many days is not the way of doing business. This amount might not be big for someone but it’s not about the actual figure whether it be $1 or $100,000. How can you hold my funds for over 40 days and come back with lame excuse?

I’m sharing my recent experience with you all to beware using NameJet and don’t think the domain is yours until the name is transferred to your account.

I would invite my readers to give their feedback and share their experiences if they had any like that in past.
