Some of my latest domain acquisitions

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

My last post about domain acquisitions was started with a .net domain and I thought to start once again with that trend. But this time I have stopped myself from buying that many .net domains but I found the below domain being exceptional and was good to acquire in my opinion. – Although I paid high four figs for this domain, I still see this as a good investment. Holding the name for the right buyer to come in and knock the door. Couldn’t control myself in buying this top keyword which can be used widely for many different purposes. Joseph Peterson also discussed about this domain here. – A bird name but can be the brand name for any company like software, nature, travel guide, real estate, flower shop, etc. – I am fond of “the” domains which normally do well. Recently you must have noticed that sold for $10,000. This one can normally be used for cooking, kitchen and restaurant purpose. – Being very selective in buying 4 letter domains but this one is really good for someone whose name is Nathan. When I see domains with name and service/product/abbreviations that attracts me more because the probability of selling domain increases. – Perfect match for any fitness/body building gym and such names do well. Also I have – Two word common names are good to buy. Although most of the time people will offer you less than $100 and gives you the reason for buying domain is to develop personal and not business website on it. Some crazy asking price set by Mike Mann at DomainMarket for his two word names but don’t worry as I will sell it for a bit lower 😉 – How can I leave one word name when I cannot leave out two word common names. This isn’t a common name but I still see over 7,000 of people using this spelling in their names at LinkedIn. – Such names are to hold for longer period of time than the others but sometimes you can get them cheap and I don’t mind buying them and waiting for some years to sell 3 letter group domains. They do well when the right buyer comes in. You may demand for mid-high four figs or even five figs and I don’t see any serious group of companies will have issues shelling out that kind of money. – Was acquired for a lot more than the above but I saw more potential in this one because it has more decent letters.


Care to share your recent acquisitions and/or give feedback on my purchases… Feel free to comment as I won’t mind whether it’s good or good 😉

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10 years ago

walaikum assalam Basit Bhai,
Very good and clever acquisitions keeping in view of future.
Can you please refer me to some of the sites on which you could buy these kind of decent names. Although its quite common to find names on Namejet, Snapnames and Godaddy or Flippa. Its quite difficult to get good domains due to the competition and the range the buyers are now paying for even some mediocre domains.
Thank you and hope some good buyers come and buy your domains for decent price.
10 years ago

Those names are like a symphony in my eyes.

Great acquisition. Good luck.

Richard Hearne
10 years ago

3Lgroup names seem to drop regularly. I’ve got a few, but yet to see any interest in them.

Do you care to elaborate on your strategy for finding names outside of markets AbdulBasit?

10 years ago

I like FitnessLounge , if I remember well this went for $500+ ? Only problem is that buyers no longer pay enough to justify this kind of purchase. Good luck !

Konstantinos Zournas
10 years ago

Nice domains!
I especially like and

10 years ago

Hi Abdul

I have i also sold 2, 3letter group for $1,500 each but i increased the rest of my 3 letter group to 4,800 after i read what you sold them for.

Here are some names i registered within last 10 days: ***my favorite reg today

10 years ago

You miss understood me.
I don’t have 2 letter group.
I sold 2 names LLLgroup and i do have an 1 letter group:

I know that LLgroup sell for more, $7,500 up

But thanks anyway!

10 years ago

Assalam o Alaikum Abdul Basit,

These are all premium domains you acquire. I have a question: When you buy a domain from Namejet, how do you make payment? Do they accept credit card for such large amounts or you arrange wire transfers. I am asking because my bank does not allow huge credit limits.

Thanks and all the best. Hope these names sell around the price of symphony.

Take care.

10 years ago

These are very nice names and arguably it should sell fast. and just a note I got confused with as initially I was not able to determine exactly the third letter of the acronym . I think It’s MGLGroup.

10 years ago

Dear Abdul Basit
Kindly guide me about Domain Appraisal site like
Are they really good site and giving 100% correct results or Not …

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