What websites/tools I use on regular basis for domain investing

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

Many domain investors have asked me on several occasions that what tools and websites I make use of which I consider very helpful and must be utilized by fellow domain investors.

There are actually many successful investors using different tactics and every one of them is doing well. Every one has their own way of operating the business and how they research and utilize those opportunities at their hands.

For myself, there are some essential tools and websites I use it on frequent basis and would like to share with fellow domain investors. Couple of things to note before I share it. First, this is not a paid post so I’m not trying to promote any of the tools/websites I’m going to share. It’s just what I personally use and would like to share with everyone to check and do their own due diligence. Lastly, it’s not necessary that any tool or website which is helpful for me can be helpful for others as well. So it all depends on how you utilize it.

I’ve written about Domain Name Analyzer Pro software in past which I still use it. There might be some changes with the versions and style which I’m not aware so you check out. However, I’m using Pro version 4 which is fantastic. This is one thing in domaining I use it on DAILY basis. I’ve shared about this important tool on my blog, NamePros and elsewhere as well and many have found it very helpful. It can be difficult to use at first, but after playing with that for a day or so, you’ll adjust pretty quickly.

There is an alternative of the above software as well which is FoxWHOIS. If you’re having any difficulties/issues, then try out FoxWHOIS which works in similar fashion. Better you can compare both these and get the one which fits for you well.

There is another thing which I use it on daily basis similar to Domain Name Analyzer Pro and that’s DotDB. Of course, there are many other sites which I use it on daily basis and are important like NamePros, Domaining.com, ExpiredDomains.net but here I’m trying to share what’s not that common among domain investors and especially newbies.

DotDB is one great tool which I recommend using it for your additional research in terms of buying, pricing and selling your domains. I’m using the Expert plan so I’ve many additional features available at hand. Better to try their 7 days free trial for Pro plan and thoroughly check it out. You may also check their different plans and what they offer in each of them here.

There is an alternative in the shape of DOFO which is another fantastic service offered by Macit Tuna and his team. I’ve published an extensive post in past about DOFO which you may want to check out for further information.

One more tool I use is Whoxy which is now more valuable to me after the crappy GDPR regulation. I use Whoxy mainly for checking regular WHOIS and Reverse WHOIS. With recent GDPR implementation, the WHOIS is hidden at many registrars but using Whoxy gives the advantage of old record of WHOIS which at least give some hope of contacting the current owner if not the old owner.

Also as mentioned above, I frequently use NamePros, Domaining.com, ExpiredDomains.net for which I don’t need to go into further detail as those are well known among us.

Feel free to give your feedback as well as share what do you use on daily or frequent basis in your domain investing business.

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Abdul khan
Abdul khan
5 years ago

Aslam allekum,
Great… You are a great domainer… I really appreciate yours efforts and sharing the knowledge…remember a fan of yours… Will always be…

5 years ago

What tool(s) do you recommend for lead generation for selling domains? Is there a tool that will scrape Google results for keyword and also provide whois email for those result sites? My process is very manual and I’m willing to spend some $ to automate and save time when trying to sell domains.

5 years ago

Hello Abdulbasit,

Thanks for mentioning dofo.com!
We’d love to hear feedback from domainers to bring more features to domaining. 🙂

Kemal, product owner of dofo.com

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
5 years ago

Thanks for your kind words, Abdulbasit.

There was reverse WHOIS on the very first version of dofo.com, and it was useful for domainers. But later we thought it could be a problem, according to GDPR.

I’m not sure if we can bring it back to new versions, but we will be considering it.

I appreciate your feedback! 🙂

Zubair Amin
5 years ago

Really helpful knowledge for me. I am reading you since last week and find you a champ in this field. I will keep learning as I am also in this field since 2007 but never been aware at this much about the tools and domaining tacts. I am using namepros since 2010, digitalpoint since 2008 but again never saw this industry in this perspective. Thanks for sharing your domain knowledge, I would like to meet you soon whenever I will visit KL.

4 years ago

Abdul, you’re such a great domain investor who knows what he’s about. You have such a good tools for your domain names. Dofo.com is one of my very best at the moment and hope they keep improving for the best. Thanks

Abdulmajid Mubarak
Abdulmajid Mubarak
Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Hello Abdul. Congrats on recent sales. More big sales to you inshaAllah. I want to ask, how does domain name analyzer determine choice of picking a domain name, what criteria should i look out for?

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