Posts Tagged ‘advanced domain tool’

What websites/tools I use on regular basis for domain investing

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

Many domain investors have asked me on several occasions that what tools and websites I make use of which I consider very helpful and must be utilized by fellow domain investors.

There are actually many successful investors using different tactics and every one of them is doing well. Every one has their own way of operating the business and how they research and utilize those opportunities at their hands.

For myself, there are some essential tools and websites I use it on frequent basis and would like to share with fellow domain investors. Couple of things to note before I share it. First, this is not a paid post so I’m not trying to promote any of the tools/websites I’m going to share. It’s just what I personally use and would like to share with everyone to check and do their own due diligence. Lastly, it’s not necessary that any tool or website which is helpful for me can be helpful for others as well. So it all depends on how you utilize it.

I’ve written about Domain Name Analyzer Pro software in past which I still use it. There might be some changes with the versions and style which I’m not aware so you check out. However, I’m using Pro version 4 which is fantastic. This is one thing in domaining I use it on DAILY basis. I’ve shared about this important tool on my blog, NamePros and elsewhere as well and many have found it very helpful. It can be difficult to use at first, but after playing with that for a day or so, you’ll adjust pretty quickly.

There is an alternative of the above software as well which is FoxWHOIS. If you’re having any difficulties/issues, then try out FoxWHOIS which works in similar fashion. Better you can compare both these and get the one which fits for you well.

There is another thing which I use it on daily basis similar to Domain Name Analyzer Pro and that’s DotDB. Of course, there are many other sites which I use it on daily basis and are important like NamePros,, but here I’m trying to share what’s not that common among domain investors and especially newbies.

DotDB is one great tool which I recommend using it for your additional research in terms of buying, pricing and selling your domains. I’m using the Expert plan so I’ve many additional features available at hand. Better to try their 7 days free trial for Pro plan and thoroughly check it out. You may also check their different plans and what they offer in each of them here.

There is an alternative in the shape of DOFO which is another fantastic service offered by Macit Tuna and his team. I’ve published an extensive post in past about DOFO which you may want to check out for further information.

One more tool I use is Whoxy which is now more valuable to me after the crappy GDPR regulation. I use Whoxy mainly for checking regular WHOIS and Reverse WHOIS. With recent GDPR implementation, the WHOIS is hidden at many registrars but using Whoxy gives the advantage of old record of WHOIS which at least give some hope of contacting the current owner if not the old owner.

Also as mentioned above, I frequently use NamePros,, for which I don’t need to go into further detail as those are well known among us.

Feel free to give your feedback as well as share what do you use on daily or frequent basis in your domain investing business.

Some more great features added to DotDB

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

Almost a year back I published an article about a great service DotDB which I’ve been using it regularly or I say it clearly that on daily basis.

Since that time, they’ve introduced several new features which are worth sharing with you all. One of the most awaiting thing was to have exclude function and now it does have the function and some more additional new functions like Bulk Search, Export data, API access

What I would love to see them have is to reduce pricing for both Pro and Expert plan so it could be more reasonable especially for Expert plan. I can understand the hard work, investment and lot more involved but to be more competitive and have edge over your competitor, one need to offer a great overall service.

Also while frequently using both at Dofo and DotDB, I finally found the difference between results at both sites. Suppose you type in Print,Factory at Dofo to show results between space which shows the opposite result as well. I mean Dofo shows factory print, factory printing as well whereas at DotDB, when I type print factory, it shows results starting with print or the middle but factory word doesn’t come at first in any way. I think if DotDB adds this feature as well, would make it even better service.

I would suggest anyone interested in using on frequent basis must try their Pro plan for 7 days free trial. It’s worth giving a shot.

I’m sure the developer of DotDB (Lin) will take this feedback positively like in past as well and he’s a good fried of mine.

Feel free to give your feedback and I’m sure Lin or his team would be happy to listen and implement it if necessary.

New exciting tool for domain name research

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I think not all but many domainers are aware of and For quite some time, Zfbot is complete paid service and not all can afford or think it’s worth paying. I don’t use it at all. And NameDroppers for which I mentioned in one of my old posts was great until they were showing up 500 results for free but now for couple of years or so they have restricted the results to 50 only. The reason they mentioned for restricting the result was the combination of amount of abuse they were receiving as a result of those scripting against their service and attempting to extract out valuable information free of charge and w/o the ability for them to show any page views.

Recently I came across a new service which is very exciting and so far the best one – (Lin – Founder). I’m just loving it. You can filter out Alphabets, Digits, Hyphens, IDNs and whatever Suffixes (TLDs) you don’t want. What really impressed me is the number of extensions we can extract out the result which makes it easier for anyone to check and decide on buying and pricing as well. They’re trying their best to make the database reach 100% coverage rate to all TLDs which would make it even better service!

I hope to see the space filter in fuction soon. Also a must feature is “Exclude keyword” which must be added. For example I want to check a domain GRO so it shows all the result including Grow, Growing, Grower and so on.and there is currently no way to exclude those or any other keyword to only display what exactly I’m searching for.

But… I have good news for anyone to use their service… they’ll definitely implement that feature in near future.

You may also check their pricing where currently they offer daily updates, unlimited searches, positional matches, support IDNs for free. Their PRO members can benefit from everything which includes in free plan as well as filter digits, filter hyphens, filter IDNs, filter suffixes, multiple keyword function where you can search for more than two keywords at once by simply using a white space or a plus symbol(+) to separate keywords (coming soon)…

Feel free to give your feedback and I’m sure Lin or his team would be happy to listen and implement it if necessary.

NOTE This is not a sponsored post.