My first domain sale was not a .COM!

To start from scratch I would like to share my first domain sale with you. It was August 2009 when I sold Argentina (DOT) .cc for US$740. I actually bought the domain at reg fee in December 2008. Not a big number though but still a motivational sale for a newbie domainer that particular period of time. As stated in my earlier posts I was focusing mostly on .cc domains so definitely chances were more bright for selling a .cc domain as compare to a very few .com domains I owned.

As everyone knows the excitement of selling your first domain name who have sold at least one domain name.

In my next post I will share my first five figure sale which was a more exciting to me as compare to my first domain sale because of the high profit I got through that sale.

Feel free to share your first domain sale along with the purchase price and selling price.

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12 years ago

Salam, First of all congratulations for your work and the success you got in this business. It’s always feel nice to see another fellow Pakistani doing great work in any field. I’m around your age and started work in web designing field since 2004/05 on local bases. I started working online in 2007/08 but never came across about this whole domain marketing or heard about these huge investments till 2009. It was quite new experience to read some information about it then but i always thought and felt that it’s beyond our reach to get success. And i still do… Read more »

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