Posts Tagged ‘domain forum’

My experience with

My Experience with

There are plenty of domain forums on internet. I joined very selected one’s and left all excluding the only domain forum I really enjoy till now. It’s I found them through Google while searching for GoDaddy coupon codes and joined them in 2007. I never thought to be active member of this very friendly community. I have found many people helping each other no matter where you are from, who you are and whatever the time is. All are ready to guide you through right path and will share their own experiences.

I have asked numerous times of help and always got what I wanted. In the last 5 years I have made some nice friends. I have tried to get some appraisal on few of my domains which were never really satisfying because I sold for a very different price as compare to what the experts appraised for. The best part of NamePros for me is to keep actively checking GoDaddy Discount Codes thread which has saved me thousands of $$$ to date. I recommend everyone who is domain investor and has a big portfolio must subscribe to this GoDaddy Discount Codes thread if you have domains at GoDaddy.

I have also used this forum to buy and sell domains but very rarely. Most of the domains I sold at NamePros were going to be dropped so whatever money I got was bonus for me 😉 Also those were ccTLDs in which no one showed any interest so getting whatever money for them was the right thing to do.

This forum is recommended to all newbies who are going to jump in domain game. They must go through all important topics at this forum and give proper time to read and understand the views, feedback and suggestions from experts before you invest any money in this game.

Overall my experience with NamePros is superb and is the best domain forum I have ever used on internet. The best part of this community is the people over there are very friendly and cooperative.

You can find me at NamePros with my username “” and I think the most active thread created from my end is Available Premium .IM domains

What’s your best domain forum? Have you used and would you like to share your experience with them?