FoxWHOIS – All in one domain checker software

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

Recently I came across a great software called FoxWHOIS which is especially designed for domainers looking to bulk check domains, drop catching domains with low-mid tier quality.

I haven’t tested any domain for catching so can’t say how good is that but I like for using bulk WHOIS lookup. Even if the GDPR is going to be implemented and WHOIS going blackout, I would still use this software for tracking the expiration and dropping date. This will still be helpful in showing which domains are registered and what is available. Also the registration and expiration dates along with domain status, etc.

Free Bulk Domain WHOIS checker software

Below are some of the features of this software:

1) Bulk whois lookup  (available in free and paid versions)

Free version supports extension: .com, .ru, .su, .рф

Paid supports:

Availability to save or export your data in .wic, .txt,.csv

FoxWhois knows whois lookup limits and do not exceed it.

Also you can ask to add an extension via support.

2. Domain Catcher (in paid versions)

It’s not faster then, etc., but is great for automation to catch low and mid demand domains. Also it’s great tool for rare domain extension

List of registrar supported to domain catching

3. Generation by mask patterns, keywords, extension (available in free and paid versions)

Absolutely free option!

a) Generation by mask patterns: for example you need all domains by mask CVCV you need put \C\V\C\V in generator box and choose an extension

b) Generation by list of keywords: for example we have a

1 list: crypto, blockchain, bit

2 list: game, coin, coins

output will be:

c) Masks like \L\LBET=>AABET, ABBET etc

d)All extensions, if you need to generate all one letter domains =>\L+choose all extensions

e) Generator features generation of repeating letters

a(\L)c$1$1. => aacaa, abcbb, acccc, adcdd, aecee, afcff

(\C\V)$1 =>baba, bebe, bibi, bobo, bubu, caca, cece, cici, coco

More information=>

4. Website and Seo parameters extraction (paid version)

  • Page title, Meta description – helps  to understand what theme or category of sites
  • Moz Rank(DA, PA, External equity links, URL MozRank) –  how much external links
  • Ip and DNS ->where site hosted
  • Alexa->Alexa rank
  •> helps to understand had this domain previously a site or not
  • and some other features

5. Multi-thread domain checking (paid)

You can use socks 4, 5 to increase speed of checking.

To receive a 20% discount use promocode: AbdulBasit

Feel free to share your feedback or if you’ve any questions, go ahead and ask.

*NOTE* This is not a paid post.

Some of my recent best acquisitions of 2018

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

Going through the posts, I found that I haven’t shared any acquisitions this year and recently I have bought some top class names which I would like to share with my fellow domainers., – I wouldn’t say anything about these names and would love to hear feedback from you guys if you like to give any… – Last month sold for $50,000 and couple of years back for $40,000. I don’t rely or buy/sell domains looking solely on the comparable sales but MicroBox is great addition IMO. Highly brandable and can be used for multiple purposes. – Love to have such short and brandable names. – Can be related to transportation, sports in Las Vegas. Anything more you can think off? – Universities and research institutions or some science related project. – Great domain for any festival, music, concert, etc. – Some official site related to applying U.S Citizenship or some guide, informative portal to U.S citizen, citizenship. – Neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois with a population of over 56,000 recorded in 2015. Usually I don’t invest in GEO names but this was difficult to leave out. – Some running shoes business, sports, running store.,, – I’ve almost stopped buying 4 letters this year and only few acquired this year. Focusing more on quality than quantity. Just trying to keep 4 letter .com share of around 7-10% in my portfolio. Currently it’s at 9%. Not sure but I think Shane Cultra who operates also likes to have 4L .com portfolio of around 7-10%., – Media names are hot and will be more in demand as the time goes by. – Spa, Perfume, Body/Face wash, Juice, Media company. Great to invest in domains which can be used for many purposes. – Can be used for many different purposes. – Great name for a software company.,, – 1 word .net are always good to invest which are highly brandable.

Rosemary.CO, Kicks.CO – It’s safe and great to invest in good one word names.

Feel free to give your feedback. Also if you like to share your recent acquisitions.

New exciting tool for domain name research

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I think not all but many domainers are aware of and For quite some time, Zfbot is complete paid service and not all can afford or think it’s worth paying. I don’t use it at all. And NameDroppers for which I mentioned in one of my old posts was great until they were showing up 500 results for free but now for couple of years or so they have restricted the results to 50 only. The reason they mentioned for restricting the result was the combination of amount of abuse they were receiving as a result of those scripting against their service and attempting to extract out valuable information free of charge and w/o the ability for them to show any page views.

Recently I came across a new service which is very exciting and so far the best one – (Lin – Founder). I’m just loving it. You can filter out Alphabets, Digits, Hyphens, IDNs and whatever Suffixes (TLDs) you don’t want. What really impressed me is the number of extensions we can extract out the result which makes it easier for anyone to check and decide on buying and pricing as well. They’re trying their best to make the database reach 100% coverage rate to all TLDs which would make it even better service!

I hope to see the space filter in fuction soon. Also a must feature is “Exclude keyword” which must be added. For example I want to check a domain GRO so it shows all the result including Grow, Growing, Grower and so on.and there is currently no way to exclude those or any other keyword to only display what exactly I’m searching for.

But… I have good news for anyone to use their service… they’ll definitely implement that feature in near future.

You may also check their pricing where currently they offer daily updates, unlimited searches, positional matches, support IDNs for free. Their PRO members can benefit from everything which includes in free plan as well as filter digits, filter hyphens, filter IDNs, filter suffixes, multiple keyword function where you can search for more than two keywords at once by simply using a white space or a plus symbol(+) to separate keywords (coming soon)…

Feel free to give your feedback and I’m sure Lin or his team would be happy to listen and implement it if necessary.

NOTE This is not a sponsored post.

Some 2017 last quarter sales and 2018 starts with high 4 figure sale

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I think this is the longest gap of posting about domain sales but honestly speaking, I didn’t had much action at my end to post or some outstanding sale of 5 or 6 figures.

Still I would like to share some of the last quarter sales (2017) and this year begins with a bang when I first sold my 3L .co domain and that too at BIN for $8,900.

BPI.CO – This domain was actually registered by someone when .CO was launched but was dropped next year in 2011 when I hand registered. During that time, there was no backordering service for .CO domains and I was lucky to grab it as soon as I saw it was available to register.

Fast forward to 2016, I received an offer of $1,000 on it through Sedo (buyer from US) when I had listed with Make Offer only. I countered with $15,000. It took more than a week of unsuccessful negotiation whose snapshot I have attached below:


Honestly speaking, I wasn’t disappointed at the time buyer cancelled the negotiation but I realized some time later that I must have accepted.

A year and half later, someone from China bought it. That was high risk by not accepting $8,250 as we are not sure of how many more years we have to hold the domain and what it will finally sell for. Anyhow, it ended all well and I’m happy with my first 3L .CO sale.

And in last year quarter, few of my sales included: – Used Payoneer Escrow service and I was amazed with their service and swiftness on the entire process. Initially quoted $2,888 and buyer countered with $2,000. Gave him some information about some previous sales in similar range and gave my final price of $2,500 which was accepted and ended up selling it successfully. – Afternic partner seller executive (Cameron Cortez) contacted with an offer of $1,500 whereas I had BIN of $3,888. He asked if there is any flexibility but I remained firm on it. Later buyer increased the offer to $2,900 which now made gap look closer. I revised my price to $3,500. Buyer countered with $3,200 which I declined. Next came in $3,300 which I accepted.

During that period, I found a great domain listed at Afternic for $2,000 BIN and I contacted Cameron by giving $1,000 as my offer in order to help in getting that domain. He came back with $1,700. Eventually I ended up buying it for $1,500 and was really happy to acquire it. I may share the domain some time later… Thanks to Cameron! $1,888 (BIN through Afternic). – This was an interesting sale last year. I saw NamePros member (@Nikul Sanghvi) reported his sale of HYPR.CO for $2,000. I immediately recalled my domain and started research on who acquired and eventually contacted the new owner by letting him know the reason of contacting is since he acquired the .CO so there could be interest of buying the .net as well with a price tag of $3,888 . He countered with $1,000. I countered with $3,000. Received $1,500 by informing with no budget due to recent acquisition of .CO version.

I finally revised my price to $2,800 + escrow fee split between both parties. Also added condition that the price is valid for next 48 hours only. Next… offer was accepted. Deal done and dusted 😉

Many thanks to Nikul for sharing the sale and that’s what keep all of us going forward in one way or another. – This was my last year’s last sale but my first hyphenated domain sale! Buyer approached directly through Uniregistry lander and I quoted $3,888. Buyer $1,000. As the year was ending, I revised my price to $3,500 with condition of making payment within that month only. Buyer said “the maximum that I can give is 2000. If this is not enough, then unfortunately I will have to look for another option.”

I declined and stick to my offer. Next day, I got an email from his partner of agreeing upon my price and we completed the deal through Payoneer Escrow. A big thanks to Brandon Abbey who is one of the nicest person I have worked in domaining industry and I’m really happy using this new escrow company.

Feel free to share your past and/or recent domain sales and give feedback on my sales.

Beware of fraudulent activity by

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

It’s been a great year overall and was hoping to end with something more good. However, I was hit with a bad news and that came from which was a good platform some years back but for quite some time they are losing their reputation exponentially.

A week back I received an email from Pheenix that an auction has started for domain and since I showed interest some time back (most probably the time of backordering when it was dropped in 2016) so I can participate in that auction which lasted for 3 days.

After winning the domain couple of days back I tried to transfer out and received authorization code. While transferring, the FOA (form of authorization) email was sent to some other email ID which looked suspicious. I went ahead and checked WHOIS and found the contact details are completely different than what I have set default at Pheenix.

So I decided to contact and explained the complete situation to Pheenix, they responded with “This domain is no longer managed by us.” That was strange response since I participated in auction, won and my card was charged. And they told the domain is no longer managed by us!

I replied with:

“But there was auction for this domain and I received email from you of winning the domain. Also your system deducted money from my credit card.

What’s wrong with you guys? If a domain is not owned by you then how can you auction and deduct money from my card and fails to deliver the domain???”

As expected it was another nonsensical response from their side:

Nothing is wrong with us.

The domain was mislisted. We have now reversed the charge so you should be good to go.
Please keep in mind that non com/net domain extensions may sometimes be mislisted in the Expired Domains marketplace and to double check whois to confirm that it is still with us.”

That’s utter nonsense from Pheenix by showing such irresponsible and unprofessional behavior. It’s run by a bunch of fraudsters. Now that’s not any domain buyer’s duty to check WHOIS before buying domain from auction platform like Pheenix because I’m not buying a domain from any individual where I need to check if the domain is stolen or not owned by the person I’m dealing with.

If that’s the case, we all need to keep checking WHOIS for all domains we regularly buy at GoDaddy Auctions, NameJet, DropCatch, etc.

Pheenix is no longer a trustworthy platform and I don’t plan to use them in future like I stopped using Flippa which is another dreadful platform… at least for me…

Well, there is nothing wrong or to blame the current owner of the domain. It’s the Pheenix who is responsible for causing this trouble and the least they could do was to admit their mistake but they have no regret of doing fraudulent activity.