A tip to increase commission at Uniregistry

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

It’s been some time since I last posted but with holidays I took a break from postings as well. But that doesn’t mean I stopped domaining 😀 I was actively buying domains, though at a slow speed because the prices have gone as well as need to sell domains in order to have the cash flow for buying more domains. As with most domainers, the summer period is slow as people are on holidays. August can be a tough one because many of the corporate purchasing teams have vacations.

Coming back to the topic… I recently sold a domain using Uniregistry lander and asked buyer if he is willing to take the domain at Uniregistry. He wasn’t willing to take at first but eventually took it there by creating an account. What I did was to provide him my Uniregistry affiliate link to open his Uniregistry account. Once he did and took the domain there, I’ll be paid commission on every renewals/registrations/transfers he make into his account until he uses that account actively.

Next time when you sell a domain when the domain is registered with Uniregistry, make sure to ask if the buyer wants the domain there itself. Not only you will make a bit of commission, but also the domain transfer will be completed in no time and you’ll get your funds much quickly.

You won’t make a fortune here but it’s better to make something than nothing at all. And if you’re a frequent seller, you could bring in many buyers to keep their domains with Uniregistry and you will make additional $$ as bonus.

Why you should renew domains for longer period

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I always try to keep almost all if not all of my domains renewed for at least 1 year in advance. If someone checks my portfolio, one can see start expiring from beginning of 2018. There are several reasons I would like to share.

As in everyone’s portfolio, most of the domains are of low and medium quality compare to high one’s and so is with my portfolio. I tend to renew all those domains for 1-2 years period in advance which in my opinion fits under low to medium quality. As of today I am proud to have 1,400 domains ALHUMDULLILAH and growing and have a target to reach 1,550 by the end of this year which seems quite achievable.

For high quality domains, I always try to renew them for 5 years and plus. Suppose if you check GRO.com expiration date, you will find it’s 15th August 2026. VIND.com in 2026 and Trattoria.com in 2025.

One of the main reason is such quality of domains don’t sell quickly at the price level I usually sell unless I start flipping which is not what I do since many years.

Another reason why I renew my best names for years in advance so that any buyer seeing the expiration date which is 6-10 years extended from today will make them realize the name isn’t going to drop anytime soon and it’s better to make a serious offer if they are serious enough for that domain name. So anyone thinking the name GRO.com is going to drop and get available for buying cheap can keep dreaming as it won’t be available in that manner.

As Verisign increases the domain price every year, it’s better to renew in advance to stop paying those extra cents which actually converts into $$$ when you have hundreds and thousands of domain names. Because when you have hundreds of domains to renew and you get the news of price increase next month can put you under pressure of gathering additional funds just for renewal which might be sometimes a burden.

For someone who is flipping domains, renewing the domain for additional years doesn’t make sense.

Feel free to give your feedback and would like to add any more reasons to renew domains for longer period.

*EDIT* As Adam mentioned that Verisign will not increase the price for at least next few years so I take my above words back. It’s good news for domain owners especially domainers. Thanks Adam!

From $1,000 offer to a $7,500 sale and another $4,500 sale

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

Like many of us are noticing the number of inquiries and sales are on slow side and it’s been the case for quiet some time now. As the regular readers of this blog knows I stopped outbound marketing at the very beginning of 2014 until last month of this year. However, I recently started again for low quality domains to sell them and buy some higher quality of domains.

Both the recent sales were inbound sales. First sale was of Ravan.com whose initial inquiry came in Jan 2017 with $1,000 starting offer. I countered with 20K and after exchanging several emails, buyer finally stopped at 5K. I declined and later forwarded the lead to Uniregistry broker and we ended up having $7,500. I acquired this domain in 2013.

Another sale was JonathanLee.com which I had put up BIN for $6,888 at Afternic but received an offer of $4,500 through Afternic. I countered with $5,888 but eventually accepted the initial and max offer presented by buyer of $4,500.

Although I like investing in 1-2 word person names and both above sales were person names but it’s really been difficult to sell them like we can move on with brandables, products and service related domains. I would especially suggest to newbies not to invest in person names heavily and focus on other types mentioned earlier.

Both domains were acquired in 3 figures in total so it was a great ROI. Like many of you ask how much I paid for my sold domains, so let me share this time with you. I paid $485 for JonathanLee.com in 2014.

Feel free to give your feedback and if you like to share your recent sales.

Find which .CO domains are registered of your domain

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I have bought and sold several .CO domains and had a great experience so far. Looking at WHOIS records for thousands of domains to date, I found a tip some time back which I wanted to share with you guys.

First, you go to .CO WHOIS site, type in let’s suppose Decor and it will display the WHOIS record for Decor.CO domain name. Now let’s type in Decor. and it will display what other domains are registered after the keyword Decor. The change is you have to add full stop at the end of any keyword you are going to search for. There are couple of issues. First is it doesn’t show any registered domain with any keyword before Decor. Second issue it the result is limited to 75 results. Still it’s better than nothing.

On the other hand, I sold couple of domains which I would like to share. First was Truquesedicas.com which I sold through Afternic for $2,988. Second was EastNine.com which I last week sold through Sedo for $2,688. Each of these domain was purchased in 3 figures.

If you guys use it and find it helpful, feel free to comment and share your feedback.

Some recent domain acquisitions of 2017

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

It’s been over 6 months since I last shared my latest acquisitions. Time passed so quickly and I just didn’t knew the gap in between got too long. Because I think sharing every quarter is good idea. Okay, so let’s come to the point and below you will find some of my 2017 domain acquisitions:

PrintFactory.com – Made it look colorful to match with the print word ;). Recently ThePrintful.com acquired Printful.com for $100,000 and PrintScape.com sold for $10,000. It’s a great name to be added in our portfolio.

AdvancedLaser.com – Vast field and huge potential in this domain.

AhiGroup.com – My highest sale to date for LLLgroup.com was DcsGroup.com which sold for mid 4 figures in 2014. Since that time, I have been buying several LLLgroup.com domains and this has great potential as well. Although age doesn’t matter to me but just thought to share it’s creation date is way back in 1996.

C9Group.com – My first letter+numeric combination domain ending with group. Yet to get into my GoDaddy account. Anyone having success story with similar domains?

AABI.com, MWSA.com, PACW.com, AJBY.com – Some 4L .com added. I think having 7-10% 4L .com in your portfolio is good to keep balance but I acquired plenty last year which makes it 12% of 4L .com in my portfolio.

Vivaria.com – I see plenty of upgrades.

LifeAsItHappens.com – I like phrase domains as does Mike Mann and Mike Berkens.

Shonky.com – Brandable. Tons of upgrades.

iWannaPlay.com – Fun/Gaming/Entertainment website.

GwadarHotels.com, TravelGwadar.com, GwadarTravel.com – Not sure how many of you’re aware of Gwadar but it’s a world’s largest deep sea-port and is in Pakistan.

Feel free to comment and share your recent acquisitions as well