Posts Tagged ‘ domain sale’

Some 2017 last quarter sales and 2018 starts with high 4 figure sale

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I think this is the longest gap of posting about domain sales but honestly speaking, I didn’t had much action at my end to post or some outstanding sale of 5 or 6 figures.

Still I would like to share some of the last quarter sales (2017) and this year begins with a bang when I first sold my 3L .co domain and that too at BIN for $8,900.

BPI.CO – This domain was actually registered by someone when .CO was launched but was dropped next year in 2011 when I hand registered. During that time, there was no backordering service for .CO domains and I was lucky to grab it as soon as I saw it was available to register.

Fast forward to 2016, I received an offer of $1,000 on it through Sedo (buyer from US) when I had listed with Make Offer only. I countered with $15,000. It took more than a week of unsuccessful negotiation whose snapshot I have attached below:


Honestly speaking, I wasn’t disappointed at the time buyer cancelled the negotiation but I realized some time later that I must have accepted.

A year and half later, someone from China bought it. That was high risk by not accepting $8,250 as we are not sure of how many more years we have to hold the domain and what it will finally sell for. Anyhow, it ended all well and I’m happy with my first 3L .CO sale.

And in last year quarter, few of my sales included: – Used Payoneer Escrow service and I was amazed with their service and swiftness on the entire process. Initially quoted $2,888 and buyer countered with $2,000. Gave him some information about some previous sales in similar range and gave my final price of $2,500 which was accepted and ended up selling it successfully. – Afternic partner seller executive (Cameron Cortez) contacted with an offer of $1,500 whereas I had BIN of $3,888. He asked if there is any flexibility but I remained firm on it. Later buyer increased the offer to $2,900 which now made gap look closer. I revised my price to $3,500. Buyer countered with $3,200 which I declined. Next came in $3,300 which I accepted.

During that period, I found a great domain listed at Afternic for $2,000 BIN and I contacted Cameron by giving $1,000 as my offer in order to help in getting that domain. He came back with $1,700. Eventually I ended up buying it for $1,500 and was really happy to acquire it. I may share the domain some time later… Thanks to Cameron! $1,888 (BIN through Afternic). – This was an interesting sale last year. I saw NamePros member (@Nikul Sanghvi) reported his sale of HYPR.CO for $2,000. I immediately recalled my domain and started research on who acquired and eventually contacted the new owner by letting him know the reason of contacting is since he acquired the .CO so there could be interest of buying the .net as well with a price tag of $3,888 . He countered with $1,000. I countered with $3,000. Received $1,500 by informing with no budget due to recent acquisition of .CO version.

I finally revised my price to $2,800 + escrow fee split between both parties. Also added condition that the price is valid for next 48 hours only. Next… offer was accepted. Deal done and dusted đŸ˜‰

Many thanks to Nikul for sharing the sale and that’s what keep all of us going forward in one way or another. – This was my last year’s last sale but my first hyphenated domain sale! Buyer approached directly through Uniregistry lander and I quoted $3,888. Buyer $1,000. As the year was ending, I revised my price to $3,500 with condition of making payment within that month only. Buyer said “the maximum that I can give is 2000. If this is not enough, then unfortunately I will have to look for another option.”

I declined and stick to my offer. Next day, I got an email from his partner of agreeing upon my price and we completed the deal through Payoneer Escrow. A big thanks to Brandon Abbey who is one of the nicest person I have worked in domaining industry and I’m really happy using this new escrow company.

Feel free to share your past and/or recent domain sales and give feedback on my sales.