Posts Tagged ‘domain sales’

Afternic experiment of September 2020

Hi everyone,

Before I start sharing last month’s Afternic results, I would like to inform you that this is the last post of the experiment. The main reason I started sharing with you all was to make aware how Afternic landers are performing for my domains so others can gauge and decide accordingly for their portfolios. I believe I’ve shared enough of this experiment and it’s clear how the overall results are. Just to clarify this decision has nothing to do with this. I already made up my mind right at the start of last month about this decision.

Also I’ve no complaints with Afternic and I’m very happy with the overall results as well as the brokers and my rep. I’ll continue using their landers.

So coming back to the point, this is the 9th and last post of the Afternic experiment series after I published JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune, July and August results which I believe you’ll like.

The last month started with the blast and surprise. The first sale happened on the very first day of September in the shape of for $29,888. The buyer came in via Afternic lander. This was one of the interesting sales for me and I’ll tell you why. I received an offer of $17,500 GROSS from Afternic senior sales executive Richard Green on 27th August. He informed me that’s the buyer’s maximum offer. Mind you, that 17.5K offer was not the initial and the broker has already worked upon that lead. I responded back with some explanation as to why I would stick with the BIN and the potential of this domain. On 1st September, I received an email about funds secured by Afternic! The best thing in this deal was that the broker was able to convince the buyer to purchase at BIN with no room for him to negotiate. That was the standout thing for me. So kudos to Richard Green for making this deal to happen and he deserves a big applause for his expertise and professionalism.

One of my friends asked me to share the hold time so let me share it. was acquired more than 1 year back.

The next sale happened on 9th September of for $7,500. Initially we received an offer of $5,000 and after the broker went back and forth with the buyer, they raised up to $6,500. I had set a BIN of $9,888. I requested to push the buyer one last time and see if there is room to revise their offer and finally they presented $7,500 which I gleefully accepted. This one happened with Hold time 1+ year.

Third sale was which sold for $6,888 and once again via Hold time 5+ years. Then the next one for $1,988 was again via GoDaddy. Hold time less than 1 year.

Finally there was a sale of which happened via partner registrar which had a BIN of $6,888. Hold time 1+ year.

And then there was a blasting sale and that too happened via partner registrar, The domain is which actually had a BIN of $50,000 but after going back and forth, finally I agreed to sell for $40,000. The interesting thing about this domain is that I had a BIN of $39,888 just 1 month before I received this particular inquiry. I just got a hunch to increase the price of this domain mainly because of the potential of this domain. I’m not sure if this triggered the buyer somehow or what but I was still happy to accept the 40K GROSS. Hold time 2+ years.

Finally there were 3 more domain sales of for $2,000 which I had a BIN of $2,988 but I agreed to sell for 2K. This sale was generated via Afternic lander. Hold time 1+ year. The last 2 sales happened via GoDaddy and were for $1,988 and for $1,888. Hold time was 2+ and 3 years respectively.

The sales happened via partner registrars, reminding you that you must keep your domains at a registrar which offers Fast Transfers. That gives an additional exposure to sell your domains.

The number of inquiries for August was almost 550 and the total number of domains at the end of last month just reached 4,300.

Total cost of acquisition was under $6,000 and total amount of sales was $99,028. Though I missed the 100K mark but I’ve no issues. I’m more than happy and hope the sales keep flowing in like the last month not only for me but for all of us so we can prosper altogether 🙂

On the other hand, my friend Muhammad Aamir from DotCorner was happy to share once again his September sales via Afternic which I’ve copied below: for $2,900. for $7,500.

In general, it shows that there will always be ups and downs no matter how big or small a portfolio you’ve. But to get rid of some inconsistency of your sales is to build up your portfolio with a good number of domains along with quality. Having both quality + quantity is the best way to go. I know it takes a lot of hard and smart work, time, dedication, cash flow, etc. And I’m telling you this from my personal experience as well as reviewing fellow investor’s sales and flow.

Thank you Afternic, Richard Green, my relationship manager, the entire brokerage team and everyone involved in making the overall experience so wonderful.

Feel free to share your Afternic sales and/or give your feedback no matter how good or good it is 😉

Afternic experiment of August 2020

Hi everyone,

When I first started sharing the January experience, I wasn’t expecting to continue sharing for this long but with the feedback I’ve received until last month has been exceptional. The main purpose of sharing my Afternic experience was for others to judge and decide for themselves whether to try their service the way I do or not. I know many of you have opted for Afternic ns3/ns4 along with BIN and found it more productive and few not as well.

Overall, I’m happy with my own results and others as well who were able to increase their sales which is what we need. SALES.

This is the 8th post of the Afternic experiment series after I published JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune and July results which I believe you’ll like it.

So July was the slowest month for me but August really covered everything and I’m very happy with that. Even though I’d no complaint that month as well but was slightly disappointed.

So coming back to the sales of August are as below:

The first sale happened on 12th of August (once again started late) in the shape of for $3,500. I’d kept this for $3,988 BIN but after going back and forth, the Afternic broker was able to get $3,500. The buyer came in via GoDaddy.

Second sale happened on the very next day of for $13,500. I remember having $15,888 BIN. The buyer came in with a $9,000 initial offer and $12,500 as final offer. The interesting and best thing about Afternic brokers is that you can easily trust them and they’ll give you the best in return. I actually said of accepting a $12.5K offer but requested to try once again and see if the buyer comes up… And fortunately he raised to $13,500. This is not something new for me as I’ve seen multiple times for myself and my fellow domain investors where the Afternic brokers have helped them get more than what the seller has accepted to sell it for.

Then again the very next day I’d another sale but this time the buyer hit BIN and acquired it. The domain was which sold for $1,988.

And the best sale of the last month happened on 20th of August in the shape of BIN which was for $25,888. It’s a great feeling to have BIN sales happening at such price range. I’d this domain for many years and declined several offers including the highest of $5,000 when I used Uniregistry landers.

And then there was a sale of $5,000 which unfortunately I cannot share due to TM reason. I admit of acquiring the wrong domain but totally unintentionally so when the initial offer came in of $2,500, I requested to try and see if we can get anything above that mark or else accept this offer. So once again the Afternic broker did their job what they’re best at and got the buyer to $5,000. Apologies for not sharing the domain.

And the last sale of the month via Afternic was for $2,988 where the buyer hit BIN and purchased it.

All the domains were sold via GoDaddy except the sale which happened via Afternic lander. Surprisingly no sale came via partner registrars. This shows the power of GoDaddy which is enough to make a good amount of sales for anyone holding good quality and quantity of domains.

The number of inquiries for the August was close to 550 and total number of domains at the end of last month were 4,170+/-

Total cost of acquisition was under $4,000 and total amount of sales was $52,864.

On the other hand, my friend Muhammad Aamir from DotCorner was happy to share once again his August sales via Afternic which I’ve copied below: for $1,800 (Registerd $7.45 on 29th Jan, 2008). for $1,600 (Purchased for $10 back in March 2020). for $7,850 (12+ years old name – hand reg).

He also sold for $8,855 privately which is another fantastic sale IMO. And the last sale was for $2500 (registered for $5.99 on August 26, 2020 and Sold on August 28th DAN).

Aamir is a well experienced domain investor and he knows the ins and outs of this business so please don’t go on buying spree just because he sold which was hand registered last month itself. He hand registered around 500 domains in a small period of time and from that this particular domain sale happened. It’s all about the quality, quantity, experience, timing, etc which matters in this business.

One fellow investor @Yusupbabay, the owner of shared one sale he made last month for a whopping $25,000. He acquired it for $59 and paid for 2 years of renewals. The reason behind this particular acquisition was that “I bought this domain because it was sold:
INDUSTRIALHEART.COM last sold for $ 22,500 on 2015-07-12 at DomainMarket”.

Honestly speaking, I would’ve never sold for that price, let alone asking that price. I just don’t get this domain but a sale is a sale and I’m happy for the seller. Congrats and thanks for sharing!

And I’ve a couple of answers to share which my Afternic manager was happy to share with me:

Q1) Does price reduction send any kind of alert to the past inquirer for that particular domain?

A1) We have measures in place within our automated email system to keep buyers engaged after expressing interest in a domain, but we do not automatically send emails to past inquirers when a domain’s price is reduced. This is an interesting idea, I will send it along to the team to review. As of right now if a seller is significantly discounting a sought after domain, they can reach out to our Partner Seller department at We will be happy to review past inquiries on the domain and have the brokers reach out to drum up interest.

Q2) Also adding categories for domains make any increase in sales?

A2) Adding categories to listings does not have a measurable significance to sales velocity. The category information is not pushed out to our partner network. This feature can be used by our sellers to help keep track of their different verticals and can be seen on, but not across the network where the domains are distributed.

I believe this will clear out many of the investor’s doubts who were looking out for this and I’m very happy to see the detailed answers.

Thank you Afternic, my relationship manager, the brokerage team and everyone involved in making the overall experience so wonderful.

Feel free to give your feedback no matter how good or good it is 😉

Afternic experiment of July 2020

Hello everyone,

It’s been a great year in terms of getting lot of surprises. Some in a good way and some not so good…

The last couple of months before July were absolutely great and full of surprises and July was no doubt was another unexpected month but in a different way which I never want to have it. LOL

This is the seventh post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March, April, May and June results which I’m hopeful that you’ll find it interesting.

It was the worst month in terms of number and amount of sales this year at Afternic by just having 3 domain sales. Also with the biggest gap between sales and I was a bit upset to see no sales for so many days continuously which was an eye opener for me. This confirmed my long term set goal where I want to increase my portfolio with a few more thousands of domain to get rid of this inconsistency and I believe this will happen with the addition of at least 2,000 more domains added with the current 4,050 domains.

The first sale happened on 17th July of for $2,988 via Afternic sales lander.

Second was a big relief in the shape of for $9,888. Both of these sales were via BIN. This one was sold via

The last sale of for $2,500 via GoDaddy lander and actually happened on 1st August (Malaysia time) but according to Afternic report and their timing, this took place on 31st July. was having $2,988 BIN but after negotiation, I eventually agreed to sell for $2,500 to keep things moving.

Total number of inquiries received were little under 550.

On the other hand, my friend Muhammad Aamir from DotCorner was happy to share once again his July sales which are shared below: for $4,000 and for $6,500.

I’ve seen July was slowest month for many domain investors including myself and Muhammad Aamir. But there were some investors who shared with me of July as their best month of this year. It’s good to see overall things are in a good shape for domain investing.

I hope this August will be a better month than last one and wish everyone the very best 🙂

Feel free to give your feedback no matter how good or good it is 😉

Afternic experiment of June 2020

Hi everyone,

As the first half of this year is completed, there were some major things happening all around the world. While reviewing my business, I can clearly say that I’d the one of the best 6 months of my domain investing career.

Today I’m very happy to share the results of June 2020 which I was eagerly waiting for the report to arrive so I can share with you all.

This is the sixth post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March, April and May results which I’m hopeful that you’ll find it interesting. Although I’d initially planned to give Afternic landers a try for 6 months period which has already ended but I’ve extended the time period of using them on long term basis with the results I’ve achieved so far using their services.

In May 2020, I mentioned that there was no sale for the first 9 days and it was more longer break in the month of June of 11 days. So on 12th day I’d my first sale of the month in the shape of for $5,000. I’d put up BIN of $5,888 but after going back and forth with the buyer, it was eventually sold for that price. This was sold via Afternic lander.

Next sale was mind blowing one and the biggest BIN sale of my life. That domain was which sold for $50,000. This was purchased directly via search. One of the best sale I’ve ever had.

Third sale was for $6,888. This too sold via GoDaddy search. Then there was another sale of for $1,988. Sold via Afternic partner registrar.

One more sale happened which I really like it – for $4,888 via GoDaddy search. In total I’ve 4 more .biz domains. was then sold for $4,888 via Afternic lander. And the month ended up with the sale of for $2,888. This too sold via GoDaddy search.

Overall the cost of those domains were under $5,000 and total sale amount was $76,540. Also in May there were some 650 inquiries whereas in June, it was a little less than 600. Bit surprising because I had added some 60+ domains in the last month.

On the other hand, I’m happy to share the sales of couple of my friends.

@JudgeMind, an experienced domain investor sold some domains via Afternic which are shared below: for $1,299 sold for $239 for $299 for $2,500

Another fellow domain investor, Muhammad Aamir from DotCorner was happy to share his Afternic sales of June. sold for $6,000 for $3,000 for $5,500 for $7,500 for $6,500 for $3,500

Only was acquired in 2017. All others were acquired in 2002-2003 period at $8 reg fees.

I tell you, those were good old days when you could hand register plenty of great domains like Aamir did. But it doesn’t mean it was too simple. One have to have the vision, knowledge and patience which is now paying off well for this fellow investor.

I appreciate both JudgeMind and Aamir for sharing their sales and if anyone would like to add their Afternic sales in future, feel free to let me know.

I would like to give due credit to my Afternic rep and brokers, I very much appreciate their hard work and dedication they put in for making all these sales to happen.

Feel free to give your feedback no matter how good or good it is 😉

Afternic experiment of May 2020

Hi everyone,

This is the fifth post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March and April results which I’m hopeful that some of my readers find it interesting.

It was really a roller coaster ride for the last month. For the first 9 days, I’d NO sale but I was confident of having at least a few before the month ends.

The 10th day, I’d my first sale in the shape of which sold for $1,988 via Reseller partner. That’s when things started to change and ended May with 9 sales via Afternic. Seems there is some coincidence that for the first 9 days there was no sale and in the entire month, I sold 9 domains altogether. One more domain was sold via Reseller partner for $1,988.

There were 3 domains altogether which sold via GoDaddy cart: for $3,988. for $6,888. for $6,888.

There were 4 sales via Afternic cart which many times include negotiation before the sale strikes. for $7,500 – I believe of selling this domain for lower price just in order to keep the cash flow coming. Not because who the buyer is, as that never really matters to me. I always valuate according to my valuations. I’d a BIN of $9,888 on this domain but eventually sold for the above price after the broker gave his best. – This was another smooth sale with a BIN of $6,888. – I’d a BIN of $3,988. Broker came in and presented an offer of $2,392. Strange amount but may be it was a round figure in a different currency. After pushing the buyer to revise his offer, the best and final offer was $3,000 which I’d thought of accepting the minimum as well. And the deal got strike on this one!

WFH.CO – The biggest individual sale of this month for me via Afternic for $9,888. I must admit of forgetting to update the price on this domain and selling it very cheaply. As WFH (Work From Home, Working From Home) term has got super hot these days and I forgot of having such valuable domain sitting in my portfolio.

I came to know when the offer came in where the buyer originally offered $2,500 and then $3,500, $5,500 and finally $6,500 and I was presented the $6,500 on 27th May and I remained firm on $9,888 and also said this BIN is valid until the end of May and I’ll increase the price significantly after that.

In next 48 hours, the domain was sold and buyer got a great deal here. Although I’m very happy with each and every sale but and not shedding tears on this one. But the purpose of sharing all this detail on this specific domain sale is to keep ourselves updated as much as possible and adapt to the change.

Above 9 domain acquisition cost was just under $2,000. Total sale amount was whopping $49,016‬. One of the best thing in last month was there were a good number of domains sold. Another thing was with no 5 figure sale, still the total amount of sales was almost 50K!

After trying Afternic landers for the last 5 months, I can clearly say that their landers are performing very well compare to Uniregistry landers. Also with Fast Transfers enabled for Uniregistry domains, I’m seeing better results for my portfolio. As you can see above, 2 domains were sold via Reseller registrar of Afternic. Also 4 domains via Afternic cart which means their brokers are efficiently working to strike the deal. Overall, I’m satisfied with results. But this doesn’t mean Uniregistry landers or their brokers aren’t good. They’re absolutely one of the best brokers I’ve ever worked with.

On the other hand, I received a little over 650 inquiries in total last month whereas in April I got almost 600 inquiries. This include multiple inquiries for the same domain(s).

Feel free to give your feedback and if you like to add your experience with Afternic, feel free to share. Also you may contact me directly if you like your results to be published in my next report post.