Archive for the ‘Domain Monetization’ Category

Issues I faced while using Afternic as a seller

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I wanted to clear up first that I am starting to like using Afternic because I made some nice sales at Afternic last year including last month as well. But that doesn’t mean I will stop sharing the issues I faced using Afternic with you guys which will help you to be careful in advance.

I already sold a domain last year through Afternic for $15,000 (Afternic commission 15%) and got the payment through wire option smoothly. Later at the end of last month, I made my first low amount of sale at Afternic last month which was of for $5,000 (Afternic commission 20%). I admit my mistake of not remembering the commission change which is on the higher side for lower amount of sales.

It is something like this:

20% commission ($15 minimum) for domains costing between $50 and $5,000.
For domains costing between $5,000 and $25,000 the cost will be $1,000 plus 15% of the amount over $5,000. So if you sold a domain for $20,000 you’d pay $1,000 plus 15%.
For domains costing over $25,000 you’ll pay $4,000 plus 10% of the amount over $25,000.


Afternic must point out somewhere in the dashboard or negotiation page about their cut for that particular deal. For my above domain sale, I was expecting their cut is the same 15% and I agreed to the price but later the broker informed me about that and he asked if there is the need of contacting buyer about the price change but I stopped him because I had my words (price to buyer) given and that would have been unfair and unethical for buyer to see the price change in no time! Finally I sticked to that price and eventually the domain was sold within a week.

So in short, commission structure is not clearly mentioned, although they have informed about that in past but that cannot be recalled while making sale specially after a long period of time reading the changes in commission.

The next problem came when the payment was received by Afternic, they asked me to select payment method and I was unable to find wire option which I selected for my last sale. I contacted the broker and even called their helpline but unfortunately they had their rules of not sending wire for any amounts under $10,000. That’s just ridiculous! I asked the reason and was told the bank don’t allow us to send small payments. Another ridiculous statement!

I was left with 2 options left. PayPal and check. As many of you are aware that PayPal don’t support Pakistan for opening an account. For check, it would have taken around 75 days to get funds cleared. Finally I received funds in one of my relatives PayPal account.

Last but may not be the least issue, you instantly receive email for price request (only when you haven’t priced your domains) and Afternic asks you to update through logging into your account but you don’t see the domain at dashboard for almost an hour to update pricing unless you are familiar using their platform and knows to find the domain under your portfolio and update pricing. So it’s better for Afternic to either send price request notification a bit with delay or simply update the dashboard immediately with the domain showing up because all sellers are not pro and can easily be confused.

Care to share your experience with Afternic and feel free to share if you had any similar good 😉 experience in past.

Some recent domain acquisitions and more five figure sales

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

It’s been long time since I last shared my domain purchases with you guys and I wanted to share some of the recent acquisitions. – I am a big fan of buying person names. Although I see people inquiring on such domains are offering mostly under $100 but I am still happy to buy such common two word names which will definitely pay off one day.

EMA.CO – Already sold couple of .CO names in five figures to date and I am seeing .CO is growing as always and buying short, person name is always good if you are getting it at the right price in my opinion. – This is much more common name than the above two word person name.  Even it’s a .net domain, I still like it because it’s quite common name in U.S. (Correct me if I am wrong). – Love such type of brandable domains. Already received dozens of inquiries to date. – Never sold a domain with the starting word “the” but always fond of buying such type of names as I have seen good track record of these “the” starting domains. – Prices of has increased dramatically compared to last year. I still feel it’s the time to buy quality no matter whether it’s Western or Chinese premium. Just buy it if you are getting at the right price. I found ILCS overall a good combination. – Raymond Hackney likes to buy LLmedia domains and I think we are on the same boat. Although I have very few LLmedia domains. and – I like the first one due to sequence and the other with 3 consecutive 8’s. Someone looking for more insight about them can reach out to Chinese please 😉 – I know you must be thinking that GraphicsOnline is better but that’s what I could get. – Decent name for any startup looking for short, catchy and brandable domain.

The above domain acquisitions are very few which I shared and just chosen randomly to list here. I simply tried to share a mixture of short, brandable, two word names to have an idea of what domains I usually buy.

Just recently I shared some domain sales which included a five figure sale and I am happy to announce that I had 2 more five figure sales after that!

One of the five figure sale I cannot disclose because the buyer requested not to share it but the other one I had through Afternic where the broker contacted first and asked the price for the domain Normally I ask buyers to present their offer but rarely I quote the price. I asked for $15,000 NET and the response was that the buyer’s budget is 15K max and after commission I will get $12,500 which I gleefully accepted and the deal was swiftly done. Not much negotiation done so nothing more to share about this particular sale 😀 By the way, the buyer seems to be from China.

Many thanks and as each of those sale were completed through them.

Bodis Offering Bitcoin as a Payment Method

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

Today I received an interesting email from Bodis which might be helpful for those who are using their platform regularly and have their domains parked at Bodis.

“We have an exciting announcement to make. Starting today, you may now opt to be paid in Bitcoin.

As the first domain parking company to offer this feature, we hope to please a range of users that would prefer to receive future payments to their Bitcoin wallet.

You may find the Bitcoin payment option in your Payment Settings page of your account. For any questions or issues using Bitcoin as a payment option, please feel free to reach out to support.

Go to Payment Settings

Note: This notification has also been sent to your Bodis account.

The Bodis Team”

Let me know if any of you make any changes to your payment method in order to receive payment through Bitcoin. This will help others whether this payment method works well for you or not.

New record in domain parking revenue for May 2015


Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I was late in publishing the parking revenue for May 2015 as I got an accident due to which I am typing with one hand. I am hoping to get well by next month In Sha ALLAH 🙂

As per my goals set for this year it seems I am in the right direction. I just ended up by making very little over $1,000 in domain parking which was a real good sign. The most important thing is to have consistency and will be closely looking to those domains which are making most of the revenue.

I bought a domain recently which I found to have been making good in revenue overall. It has backlinks of over 500k which in my opinion is huge in numbers.




Total visitors – 70,000+ (huge decline comparing to previous months).

Total clicks – 3,300+ (Again less number of clicks comparing to previous months).

Total parked domains – 1,000.

Total revenue – $1,000 (Better revenue comparing to many previous months)

Top 5 niche which made the most – Insurance, Insurance, Brandable, Cooking, Games.

$$ made on a single day – $136 (Highest revenue on a given day).

RPM – $14.04 (Highest so far in overall RPM).

CTR – 4.57% (Not as good as in past).

I found there was significantly less visitors compare to previous months and finally I reached the mark of 1,000 in having that number of domains in my portfolio. But at the end I like the revenue to be the most and doesn’t matter much how many visitors come 😉

I need to reach my goal of selling 20-24 domains this year as I need to focus on selling more domains and take whatever decent profit I am getting which is still not up to the mark.

I think this is the slowest post I have ever made in typing and I hope there are no typing errors 😀

How was your revenue since the start of this year? Care to share your recent domain sale(s)?

Third consecutive domain sale of five figures this year


Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I feel this year is going great ALHUMDULLILAH in terms of sale prices. As my new year started with five figure sale. Then there was another five fig sale last month for which I was unable to disclose the detail. However, this month I closed another five figure sale but this time I am able to share the details with you.

Coming to the point, the domain in question is which I sold for $11,500 through and I think this was the fastest wire received for any of my transaction so far as it was received and approved within few hours! Thanks to for everything.

Third-consecutive-domain-sale-of-five-figures-this-yearThe moment I asked buyer to make an offer, his response was that this domain was required for student project. Immediately I thought it wasn’t going to work and we couldn’t proceed further. But as always I reply to all inquiries no matter if it looks serious or not. You never know when and which lead will turn into successful sale.

I asked 15k. Now you must be thinking that I normally don’t throw away asking price first but considering poor student and mark it as imcomplete sale quickly I just asked this price. Although I have quoted the same price in past to others as well.

He countered with $7.5k which was reasonable to start off negotiation. I asked him to come closer to my asking price if he is seriously willing to buy it. Next offer was 10k. I told him that I received 10.5k offer in past and it was true as I don’t like in trying to work out a deal. Next was 11k and finally we agreed upon 11.5k.

Buyer was quick enough in closing the deal and everything went smooth as we planned. I am very much satisfied in having all these sales but the number of domains sold so far aren’t as impressive as I planned to do so.

What are your thoughts on this recent sale? Care to share yours?