Posts Tagged ‘domain parking revenue’

New record in domain parking revenue for May 2015


Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I was late in publishing the parking revenue for May 2015 as I got an accident due to which I am typing with one hand. I am hoping to get well by next month In Sha ALLAH 🙂

As per my goals set for this year it seems I am in the right direction. I just ended up by making very little over $1,000 in domain parking which was a real good sign. The most important thing is to have consistency and will be closely looking to those domains which are making most of the revenue.

I bought a domain recently which I found to have been making good in revenue overall. It has backlinks of over 500k which in my opinion is huge in numbers.




Total visitors – 70,000+ (huge decline comparing to previous months).

Total clicks – 3,300+ (Again less number of clicks comparing to previous months).

Total parked domains – 1,000.

Total revenue – $1,000 (Better revenue comparing to many previous months)

Top 5 niche which made the most – Insurance, Insurance, Brandable, Cooking, Games.

$$ made on a single day – $136 (Highest revenue on a given day).

RPM – $14.04 (Highest so far in overall RPM).

CTR – 4.57% (Not as good as in past).

I found there was significantly less visitors compare to previous months and finally I reached the mark of 1,000 in having that number of domains in my portfolio. But at the end I like the revenue to be the most and doesn’t matter much how many visitors come 😉

I need to reach my goal of selling 20-24 domains this year as I need to focus on selling more domains and take whatever decent profit I am getting which is still not up to the mark.

I think this is the slowest post I have ever made in typing and I hope there are no typing errors 😀

How was your revenue since the start of this year? Care to share your recent domain sale(s)?

Parking revenue for March 2015 and other updates

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I didn’t publish parking revenue for quite some time due to no major changes and it wasn’t worth sharing with you. But last month in March there was some improvement in revenue and I hope it continues for coming months.

As per my goals set for this year I need to sell 20-24 domains but so far not much success in terms of selling number of domains. However, I recently sold another domain for five figures for which I can’t disclose the detail but it was a good one. Although it took too long to wrap up but in the end what matters is I got what I wanted.

Coming to the parking revenue detail I would like to specially mention that increase in revenue is mainly due to adding a domain which has backlinks related to insurance.





Total visitors – 90,000+ (huge decline comparing to previous months).

Total clicks – 3,500+ (Again less number of clicks comparing to previous months).

Total parked domains – 950.

Total revenue – $700 (Better revenue comparing to many previous months)

Top 5 niche which made the most – Insurance, Health, Games, Brandable, Cooking.

$$ made on a single day – $67 (May be the highest revenue on a given day).

RPM – $10.07 (Highest so far in overall RPM).

CTR – 5.27% (Better than before).

I found there was significantly less visitors compare to previous months and I added many domains too. But at the end I like the revenue to be the most and doesn’t matter much how many visitors come 😉

There was no sale made in February and if I need to reach my goal of selling 20-24 domains this year I need to focus on selling more domains and take whatever decent profit I am getting.

It’s great feeling to get near 1k mark of collecting domains and I am not in hurry to hit that milestone quickly and more focus is on buying quality domain names.

How was your revenue since the start of this year? Care to share your recent domain sale(s)?

Parking revenue for December 2014 and other updates

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

It was quite slow month in terms of revenue but overall it was a great year and I really enjoyed it specially in domaining. I hope 2015 is going to be far better and I expect many positives and exciting things to happen. Below is the parking stats for December 2014 and initially I thought the revenue might be dropped a lot but after calculating from both parking platforms it was quite okay.

Total visitors – 134,000+ (15k increase from the previous month).

Total clicks – 3,900+ (200 more clicks).

Total parked domains – 850 (50 new added).

Total revenue – $590 ($60 decrease compare to November).

Top 5 niche which made the most – Brandable, Games, Health, Music Cooking.

$$ made on a single day – $36

RPM – $5.73 ($.7 less in overall RPM).

CTR – 4.37% (Almost similar to previous month).

Overall it was good other than final outcome of revenue. Also I added another 50 domains.

I didn’t sold any domain in December because there was no attractive offer which I should have accepted. The main reason was due to holiday season and I found December being the slowest month of the year where there are very low number of inquiries received but I am hopeful things will get better starting new year. As planned for this year I have to get more lenient and get more sales this year.

I have moved over 95% of my domains to Uniregistry and although most of my domains are .com, I still have few .co, .cc domains which I wanted to move to Uniregistry as well but the pricing for those extensions is a bit on higher side due to which I have so far kept the remaining domains at GoDaddy. I hope Uniregistry accepts .IM domains in future so that I can bring all my .IM domains there too which are currently with DomainMonster. Not a good control panel of DM but since I have around 15 .IM domain I am okay with them.

Did you saw revenue improvement or were in the same boat of mine for December 2014? Also had any domain sale?

Parking revenue for November 2014 and another domain sale

Hello and Assalamo Alaikum,

I don’t get much time to publish posts and bought very few names and those I forgot to park them at DNS due to which I didn’t increase the number of domains in total parked domains section below.

Total visitors – 115,000+ (15k decrease from the previous month).

Total clicks – 3,900+ (500 less clicks).

Total parked domains – 800 (No increment).

Total revenue – $630 (slight decrease compare to October).

Top 5 niche which made the most – Games, Cooking, Health, Photography, VPN service.

$$ made on a single day – $30

RPM – $6.50 ($.5 increase in overall RPM).

CTR – 4.35% (More drop in this one).

I saw drop in visitors, clicks and CTR but most important thing was the consistency of revenue which remained almost the same. There was improvement in RPM. Although clicks were quite low compare to previous month but revenue was stable because of RPM which seems to be improving since last two months.

I sold a domain last month for $3,728. Quite awkward looking amount but actually the buyer offered 3k Euro which at that time of conversion made what it actually sold for.

Initially the buyer contacted back in March this year with starting offer of $150. Looking at the final price I always recommend to communicate and negotiate to get the maximum and see what the buyer has to offer. Had I rejected him badly, the deal would not have happened ever with this buyer. Never underestimate the starting offer because many times buyer is unaware of the market but has the budget for what you are asking. In some cases we need to educate them.

After not receiving any positive response from the buyer, the inquiry was automatically forwarded to one of the broker at DNS and he did his best to get some sort of response but at the end nothing went in our way…

Last month this lead was re-assigned to another broker of DNS and suddenly the buyer responded back and negotiation started from there on and the deal was completed swiftly. His next offer was 1k and than 3k USD before ending up at 3k EUR. All in all, it took 8 months to complete this sale. By the way, the domain name in question is

Thanks to Mohammed Khan and Sean Landreth who helped in closing this deal as well as Helki Weber (transfer specialist). She was really great in handling the transfer process and make things look really easier and helps the buyer at every stage where he needs anything. They all are too quick in what they do. I must not forget to thank from where the deal was actually completed. The sale was listed in DnJournal recently.

Before the transaction was initiated at, I had talked with Frank Pavilonis at Uniregistry for having all those funds credited in my Uniregistry account which will help me in transferring domains to their registrar. After which I did and now most of my domains are transferred to Uniregistry and I am very happy to be with them.

What has been your parking revenue for November 2014? Made any sale recently which you would like to share?

Parking revenue for October 2014 and other updates

Parking-revenue-for-October-2014-and-other-updatesHello and Assalamo Alaikum,

There wasn’t much changes in parking revenue for September so I thought to skip it this time and move on to October parking revenue which was quite better.

Total visitors – 135,000+ (10k increase from the previous month).

Total clicks – 4,500+ (not much changes).

Total parked domains – 800 (An increase of 50 domains).

Total revenue – $650 (some improvement).

Top 5 niche which made the most – Games, Health, Photography, Cooking, Music.

$$ made on a single day – $31

RPM – $6.02 (Almost $1 increase in overall RPM).

CTR – 4.57% (Little drop in this one).

So now I have 800 domains under my portfolio and as per my 5 goals to reach by this year, I have to get 1,000 domains by the end of Dec 2014 which to be honest seems not quite possible. One of the main reason is I don’t see that many good domains dropping due to which I am unable to buy quality names. Also the prices have gone much higher and many crazy people are overpaying for domains which are worth far less than what they actually ends up paying for it.

Also, there is political unrest in my country and I am very much focused on this issue and sometimes I have forgot to bid on domains at the last minute. I can count this one of the reason for which chances of having 1k domains at the end of this year seems low.

Last month I lost at least one domain in auction due to electricity outage which is very much normal in my country. In summer, 15+ hours electricity is shut off even in big cities like mine. This is frustrating specially when I wanted to bid at the last minute of auction and finds out myself on the losing side because of this reason. Time is up for our corrupt politicians who are currently leading our country and they have come into power by fake votes. My prayers are with Imran Khan whom everyone wants to come into power and In Sha ALLAH we will see him in action by next year when midterm elections will be held and all corrupt politicians will be held accountable.

Stay tuned for my next post where I will share couple of my domain sales completed last month.

What has been your parking revenue for October 2014? Made any sale recently which you would like to share?