Afternic experiment of February 2020

Hello everyone,

This is the second post after I published January results and this one is even better! So far I’m very happy with the results and the way my leads are handled and keeping me updated with what’s going on.

Some of the highlights of February 2020 are as below:

  1. There were close to 550 inquiries on 3,600 +/- domains in the entire month of February 2020.

  2. Had three domain sales, each one happened via different source. One via Afternic lander, actually the first one for me and the domain was which sold for $1,888. Another sale was via partner registrar which I’m not sure what was the domain because I had another 2 sales via GoDaddy cart of same amount so altogether remaining 3 sales were for $1,988, for $2,888 and for $1,988.

  3. acquired 6 years ago. acquired 3 years ago and 2 years back. For I received offer of $1,400 via Afternic but I stood firm on BIN price and eventually sold it 3 days later. Altogether acquisition cost for these 3 domains was in under $500.

  4. With the report I’ve, which shows there are several other ongoing negotiation with buyers whose current maximum offer is mentioned along with the quoted price which is always the BIN price. It’s good to see the progress as well behind the scenes. And I’m pretty happy with the Afternic brokers and especially my account manager who has been exceptional in managing everything.

On the other hand, one of my fellow domainer friend whom I’m sure many of you know with the name of @JudgeMind at NamePros who shared his stats and with his permission I’m going to share it below for you guys:

He had 4 sales in December that were direct leads from Afternic landers and another 6 in January which were direct from Afternic landers. Prices of sold names range from $299-$3799 with a median sale price of $2200.

Below are the domain sales he made in December 2019, January 2020 and February 2020:

December 2019

January 2020

February 2020

In my opinion, those are impressive number of sales considering he has domain portfolio of 2,300 domains. An interesting thing is out of 2,300, only 1,900 are listed under Fast Transfers as others are with those registrars which doesn’t support Fast Transfers. His domain portfolio can be seen at Dan and Afternic.

On the other hand, since it’s sales related post so I’ll share an decent sale I made last month via Sedo in the shape of for $7,888. Acquired the domain for low-mid $xxx in 2014. Long holding period but paid off very well in the end!

By the way, I’ll be sharing some real good acquisitions in my next post so stay tuned for that.

Feel free to give your feedback and if you like to add your experience with Afternic, feel free to share. Also you may contact me directly if you like your results to be published in my next report post.

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4 years ago

Congrats! and Thanks for sharing.

4 years ago

Congratulations Abdul,Always looking forward to your report.

You got me into domaining from when i started reading your report and also introduced me to namepros.
Thank you for letting me work harder with your openess.

4 years ago

That’s great… Abdul bhai… U r a great domainer…my king domainer .. Keep sharing…

Vinod Reghunathan
4 years ago

You have learned very well how domaining works. Thanks for the posts that keep people like us motivated.

4 years ago

[…] success as we speak. They aren’t super rich but they share their journey in full detail. (like this one). They inspire and make you want to try harder. Fill you up with drive and hopes that you can try […]

4 years ago

Congratulations brother and thanks for sharing.

john lim
john lim
4 years ago

wonderful sharing Abdul and congratulations! Do you point to NS1.Afternic or NS3.Afternic?

4 years ago

Congrats Abdul. Wonderful post, keep the fire burning. More sales to you.

Zubair Amin
4 years ago

Great bro. More power to you. Helpful information.

4 years ago

[…] is the fourth post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February and March results which I’m hopeful that some of my readers find it […]

4 years ago

[…] is the sixth post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March, April and May results which I’m hopeful that you’ll find it interesting. Although […]

4 years ago

Congrats Chief!

4 years ago

[…] is the sevent post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March, April, May and June results which I’m hopeful that you’ll find it […]

4 years ago

[…] is the 8th post of the Afternic experiment series after I published January, February, March, April, May, June and July results which I believe you’ll like […]

4 years ago

I would just like to know one thing. When you say you got 550 inquiries for 3500 domains in a month, that sounds very impressive.

However, how many of those were embarrassing low balls? Did you set the minimum offer? What do you think was the median percentage of your BINs/intended prices for those offers? Like they offered 30% of the BIN price etc.

This stat would be very helpful to me.

Reply to  AbdulBasit Makrani
4 years ago

Yeah. With that many inquiries, I wonder what would happen if you reduced your prices significantly. Would STR shoot up?

Such data would be very valuable to know.

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